[Breaking] 2-channel Founder Hiroyuki Nishimura’s Drug-deal Aid Case Sent To Prosecutor

Asahi briefly reports [J] that Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department has sent today a case to the public prosecutor’s office for possible violation (inciting, instigation) of the Anti-drug Law. 2-channel has been accused by leaving some posts around illegal drug deals. Hiroyuki, who influenced US 4-chan, which is an indirect homage of 2-channel, told his ownership… Continue reading [Breaking] 2-channel Founder Hiroyuki Nishimura’s Drug-deal Aid Case Sent To Prosecutor

2-channel Bans 5 Major Summary Sites From Reusing Its Posts

Some 2-channel(2ch.net) users noticed early morning on June 3 that an unpopular notification page on 2-channel was updated with the warning message against 5 notorious 2-channel watcher blogs. We ban the following URL from using copyrighted materials owned by 2ch, as it is detrimental that those people who damage to third parties and do not… Continue reading 2-channel Bans 5 Major Summary Sites From Reusing Its Posts

"596523:14:07.2147483647" This is where iPhone freezes

Well, sort of. It has been a hobby for a few people at 2ch.net[J], Japan’s biggest anonymous BBS, to show off "how long they could let their iPhone stopwatch running".  On May 29th 2012, this astonishing new record was introduced to the BBS, which put those enjoying this hobby in shock. The one who posted… Continue reading "596523:14:07.2147483647" This is where iPhone freezes

2-channel Possessor Singaporean Company Is Dummy, Yomiuri Reports

Yomiuri Shimbun reported on March 27 that they had researched the ownership of 2-channel, Japanese gigantic anonymous bulletin board service, in Singapore, and resulted the self-claimed current owner Packet Monster Inc. in Singapore, is a paper company, one of 2,000 companies registered under Rikvin Consultance, whose address is the same as the Packet Monster, at… Continue reading 2-channel Possessor Singaporean Company Is Dummy, Yomiuri Reports

2-channel Founder And Affiliate Companies Gets Police Raid Around Drug-Dealers Comment Deletion

NHK [J], Asahi [J], Yomiuri [J]and others reported today that about 10 of Japan’s massive anonymous bulletin board service 2-channel-related homes and offices, including its founder Hiroyuki Nishimura’s house were searched by Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department from November 2011 to March 2012, this month. It turned out “according to a person in the investigation”. The… Continue reading 2-channel Founder And Affiliate Companies Gets Police Raid Around Drug-Dealers Comment Deletion

Ascii-Art Translated To English By 2-Channelers

SOme 2-channel users tried to translate captions of popular ascii-art, drawing by letters they often post on 2-channel.          ,-、            ,.-、         ./:::::\          /::::::ヽ        /::::::::::::;ゝ–──– 、._/::::::::::::::|        /,.-‐””´          \:::::::::::|      /                ヽ、::::|     /                   ヽ|      l                         l     .|    ●                |    Umm….      l  , , ,           ●     l     ` 、      (_人__丿    、、、  … Continue reading Ascii-Art Translated To English By 2-Channelers

Japan’s Yen Intervention Stopped At 79.19 By Word Play

Japan is reported to begin Yen intervention today. But after the initial US dollar surge, Yen stalled around 79.19 against 1 US dollar over 3 hours. In early afternoon trading in Tokyo, the dollar was holding steady at around 79.19 yen, but it remains to be seen how long an impact the intervention will have.… Continue reading Japan’s Yen Intervention Stopped At 79.19 By Word Play

Popular 2-Channel Ascii Arts Animated

It has been 12 years since 2-channel serves Japanese net users. The gigantic anonymous bulletin boards are still kept simple without image/movie, all you type is texts. You may post URL of images there, and many 2-channel viewer clients, which many users are now using, extracted to display in the posts for convenience. But still,… Continue reading Popular 2-Channel Ascii Arts Animated

[Live] 4chan’s moot Talk With 2-channel Founder Hiroyuki

On Nico Nico Live tonight, 20:00 July 27 (Japan Standard Time), Christopher Poole aka moot and Hiroyuki Nishimura’s talk session is being broadcast now. (if you prefer Japanese page, here is Nico Nico Live Japanese version) Moot x Hiroyuk​i Social Media​ Talk Session Join in on the entertaining talk show featuring 4 chan founder Moot… Continue reading [Live] 4chan’s moot Talk With 2-channel Founder Hiroyuki