Animation of Shukatsu, Japanese Job Hunt By New Graduates

Tokyo University of the Arts students released a shot animation movie depicts college students’ job hunting activities in Japan. In Japan, most companies uniformly runs recruiting program around 1 or more years before college students graduates schools. It is so called shu-katsu (SHUshoku KATSUdou, job hunting activities). Many people, both workers and students, think, believe… Continue reading Animation of Shukatsu, Japanese Job Hunt By New Graduates

Popular 2-Channel Ascii Arts Animated

It has been 12 years since 2-channel serves Japanese net users. The gigantic anonymous bulletin boards are still kept simple without image/movie, all you type is texts. You may post URL of images there, and many 2-channel viewer clients, which many users are now using, extracted to display in the posts for convenience. But still,… Continue reading Popular 2-Channel Ascii Arts Animated

Blackboard Wars

Japanese high school students made stop-motion animations with blackboard, chalks and all school things for school festival. The first one uses over 2,500 photos, the second one over 3,000. According to the poster’s comment, free tools like PictBea­r [J] and NicoVisualEffects [J] are used. via @ryohgo_narita

Twitter Following List PuyoPuyo Animation

Recently Mashable reported that a twitter user @guygo’s bird on his following list. That one is a static picture, but there was an animation one by a Japanese user @tkpuyop in this March. Unfortunately, the account was suspended quickly but he recorded how it worked. @guygo’s account is still kept on even after known by… Continue reading Twitter Following List PuyoPuyo Animation

Japanese Government Promotes Puppet Security Idol “Securina”

Securina is an another virtual idol unit by puppets newly appeared into Japanese otaku scene, as a part of “Check PC” campaign backed by METI, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan. Shina, from Tokyo, who is unfussy and easygoing, likes Parfait. and Sena from Osaka, assertive and boyish, likes drive. The “Check PC”… Continue reading Japanese Government Promotes Puppet Security Idol “Securina”

Japanese “MAD movies” movement with Niconico/Idolmaster

Idolm@ster(Idol-master, abbrev. Aimasu in Japanese) is originally an arcade network game, then became a XBox360 game which is sold only in Japan. You will be a producer of a virtual 3D girl band and train them to be popular singers (kind of “Sim People” with a goal?). The game itself is not a big seller,… Continue reading Japanese “MAD movies” movement with Niconico/Idolmaster