Japanese Web: Find Hilary Clinton’s Photo Similar To Social Game Idols

Playing on the tag challenge is one of the Japanese Twitter users’ favorites, besides super simultaneous tweets by TV watchers. There is a series of challenges that #”Send A picture, and B will be given to you”(#Aの画像を送るとそれに近いBの画像が送られてくる). As a challenge, cats, yuru-chara characters and anime idols from Idol M@aster console/social game are used well. For… Continue reading Japanese Web: Find Hilary Clinton’s Photo Similar To Social Game Idols

Yahoo! Japan to Open Silicon Valley Branch

The Jpaan’s largest web company Yahoo! Japan announced [J] that it is to have a new oversea branch in Silicon Valley “to research the cutting edge technologies”. The release does not tell much details, except that it will send three staffs from its Data & Science solution department.