2-channel Possessor Singaporean Company Is Dummy, Yomiuri Reports

Yomiuri Shimbun reported on March 27 that they had researched the ownership of 2-channel, Japanese gigantic anonymous bulletin board service, in Singapore, and resulted the self-claimed current owner Packet Monster Inc. in Singapore, is a paper company, one of 2,000 companies registered under Rikvin Consultance, whose address is the same as the Packet Monster, at… Continue reading 2-channel Possessor Singaporean Company Is Dummy, Yomiuri Reports

Update: Asiajin To Host Reader Meet-up In Singapore On Saturday

Hello, Asiajin readers in Singapore! I’ve just planned to attend Accelerate 2010, one of Asia’s biggest annual tech events that we also serve as a media sponsor of.   Since I’ll be in Singapore in that week, by using this opportunity, in order to exchange friendships and communicate with our readers in the country on a… Continue reading Update: Asiajin To Host Reader Meet-up In Singapore On Saturday

Amazon Opens Cloud Subsidiary In Japan

Amazon Web Services LLC, an Amazon’s company which manages and sells cloud computing services like EC2, S3, CloudFront, etc., is turned out to open its Japanese subsidiary Amazon Data Services Japan at unknown time in 2009, talked by one of their two employees at Japan Amazon EC2 Users Group, a blog Publickey reported [J]. At… Continue reading Amazon Opens Cloud Subsidiary In Japan

Mixi ex-CTO Helps Singaporean Mobile Startup Xsago

Batara Eto, who suggested to make a Japanese social network to his boss in late 2003 and programmed Japan’s biggest social network Mixi, let the company (E-mercury) to change their primary business and rename (to “Mixi”, of course) with the huge success, then left his CTO job in 2007 [J], is reported to invest to… Continue reading Mixi ex-CTO Helps Singaporean Mobile Startup Xsago

2ch.net ownership moved to Singapore company

Hiroyuki Nishibuya, founder of Japan’s biggest anonymous BBS 2ch.net (Ni-Channel), revealed that he had transferred the ownership of 2ch.net to oversea on his blog. The FAQ on 2ch.net was modified, too. Q Who owns 2ch? A 2ch.net is managed and operated by PACKET MONSTER INC. 2ch.net has been at the heart of libel lawsuits in… Continue reading 2ch.net ownership moved to Singapore company