2-channel Founder And Affiliate Companies Gets Police Raid Around Drug-Dealers Comment Deletion

NHK [J], Asahi [J], Yomiuri [J]and others reported today that about 10 of Japan’s massive anonymous bulletin board service 2-channel-related homes and offices, including its founder Hiroyuki Nishimura’s house were searched by Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department from November 2011 to March 2012, this month. It turned out “according to a person in the investigation”. The… Continue reading 2-channel Founder And Affiliate Companies Gets Police Raid Around Drug-Dealers Comment Deletion

Undercover Cops Dispatched To 1,500 Cellphone Shops To Check If They Explain Kids Filtering Service

Jiji reported [J] that Japan’s National Police Agency is planning to send secret agents to 1,500 cellphone shops nationwide, to check if shop clerks ask a customer who will use the cellphone, and if s/he says it is for their children, then if they introduce kids filtering service and explain what bad things could happen… Continue reading Undercover Cops Dispatched To 1,500 Cellphone Shops To Check If They Explain Kids Filtering Service

Local Heroes Sing A Song For Reducing Crime

“Bakuon Sentai Sumpu Ranger[J]“, or the roaring squadron Sumpu ranger, is a popular local rock band originating in Hamamatsu City which is well-known as the birthplace of Honda Motor, Suzuki Motor, Yamaha and Kawai Musical Instruments. The band composed a song to call the local people’s attention to the dangers of phishing scams, and the… Continue reading Local Heroes Sing A Song For Reducing Crime

Election And Internet In Japan

Agile Media Network held a conference “Internet Changes Election?” [JP] on April 24th. Statesmen and NPOs discussed about the use of Internet for election in Japan. Shin Itoh of Japan Initiative [JP] gave a 30-minutes talk on Japanese Election Law. He said that the law is unreasonably strict. Electoral campaign is only allowed during official… Continue reading Election And Internet In Japan

Tokyo Police Acts Against Slander On Blog Posts

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department has decided to give prosecutors files on 18 people, who are suspected to have slandered comedian “Smiley Kikuchi[J]” by posting groundless comments on his blog alleging that he is involved in a high school girl’s murder case. This kind of situation, in which blog readers slander a blog’s owner by… Continue reading Tokyo Police Acts Against Slander On Blog Posts

Laptop users plugging in at stations risk police visit

In US airports, many people can be seen using their laptops plugged in to nearby outlets. If you do that in Japan, you could be arrested by the police. In February 2004, a man using a power outlet in Nagoya Station was questioned by railroad police. The case was reported to the prosecutor’s office as… Continue reading Laptop users plugging in at stations risk police visit