2-channel Possessor Singaporean Company Is Dummy, Yomiuri Reports

Yomiuri Shimbun reported on March 27 that they had researched the ownership of 2-channel, Japanese gigantic anonymous bulletin board service, in Singapore, and resulted the self-claimed current owner Packet Monster Inc. in Singapore, is a paper company, one of 2,000 companies registered under Rikvin Consultance, whose address is the same as the Packet Monster, at… Continue reading 2-channel Possessor Singaporean Company Is Dummy, Yomiuri Reports

Japan’s Youngest Female Mayor Complained Media On Facebook. The Media Fusses

Naomi Koshi, a mayor of Ohtsu, Shiga-prefecture, who recorded the youngest female mayor when she was elected this January 2012, was reported by several national papers that she “moaned” that her opinions do not reach for her people via Japanese media in Japanese and English. I am so frustrated at Japanese media. Does this happen… Continue reading Japan’s Youngest Female Mayor Complained Media On Facebook. The Media Fusses

Allatanys – Three Major Japanese Newspapers’ Online Challenge Silently Taken Down

Allatanys, an website where you may read headline news from three of Japan’s most published newspapers in parallel, run by Yomiuri Shimbun, Asahi Shimbun and Nikkei, has ceased yeasterday, February 29, 2012. The site top shows a short text with background image which makes the text hard to read. The text tells, “Allatanys site has… Continue reading Allatanys – Three Major Japanese Newspapers’ Online Challenge Silently Taken Down

TV Agony Aunt Based On Popular Female Online Forum Starts

Hatsugen Komachi, another huge anonymous online forum, popular to women, run by the world largest newspaper company Yomiuri Shimbun, will become a satellite TV program “Komachi TV” in advice-column-on-television style since April 2nd. # “Komachi” is a synonym for beautiful women in Japanese, which came from 9th century poet Ono no Komachi. In the 30… Continue reading TV Agony Aunt Based On Popular Female Online Forum Starts