New Steve Jobs Biography Manga Starts

Mari Yamazaki’s new manga series, comicalization of Walter Isacson’s Steve Jobs biography “Steve Jobs”, began today on Kodansha Kiss Magazine. (Please check my Japan Times column last week introducing three Steve Jobs manga.) Yahoo! Bookstore offers free preview of the first half, 17pages. You may read it here, though texts are all in Japanese. The… Continue reading New Steve Jobs Biography Manga Starts

The Nikkei: KDDI To Start Offering The iPad Mini From November

The existence of a smaller version of the iPad hasn’t even been confirmed by Apple yet, but here is something fresh from the rumor mill in Japan: according to a report published in The Nikkei today, KDDI is currently “finalizing a deal” under which the company will start offering the “iPad Mini” from November. So… Continue reading The Nikkei: KDDI To Start Offering The iPad Mini From November

"596523:14:07.2147483647" This is where iPhone freezes

Well, sort of. It has been a hobby for a few people at[J], Japan’s biggest anonymous BBS, to show off "how long they could let their iPhone stopwatch running".  On May 29th 2012, this astonishing new record was introduced to the BBS, which put those enjoying this hobby in shock. The one who posted… Continue reading "596523:14:07.2147483647" This is where iPhone freezes

[Photo] How To Land A Job At Rakuten

Gayle L McDowell’s book “The Google Resume: How to Prepare for a Career and Land a Job at Apple, Microsoft, Google, or any Top Tech Company” is translated to Japanese and sold in Japan this month. The cover image of the Japanese version book posted by a blogger Yumaendo got a huge buzz on Facebook,… Continue reading [Photo] How To Land A Job At Rakuten

[Report] Jobs Remembered At Apple Store Ginza

After the news of former Apple CEO Steve Jobs’ death was reported on October 6th, there were some happenings at the Apple Store in Ginza.  At the moment there seem to be no plans to hold an official memorial event accordion to Apple Store, but nevertheless many Apple fans came to give flower offerings.  Also… Continue reading [Report] Jobs Remembered At Apple Store Ginza

iPhone 4S To Be Sold From 8 a.m. October 14, Apple Japanese Site Says

About an hour prior to Apple’s “Let’s Talk iPhone” event, Apple Store Ginza (Tokyo, Japan) page [J] is showing that the new iPhone 4S will be on sale from 8 a.m. October 14. The text is here with my translation, iPhone 4S、登場。 10月14日、午前8時より、Apple Storeで発売。あなたにぴったりの通信事業者と料金プランを選ぶお手伝いをします。iPhoneの設定もスタッフが行うので、ストアを出る前から使い始める準備が完了します。さらに詳しく iPhone 4S has come. It’s on sale from 8 a.m. October… Continue reading iPhone 4S To Be Sold From 8 a.m. October 14, Apple Japanese Site Says

Apple Lowering iPhone App Store Prices For Yen: 115 becomes 85

Japanese Yen has been staying high against US dollars, especially last year. Apple finally thinks its 115 yen(US$1.45) is too much for $0.99 apps. @kokubucamera reported [J] that all 115 yen iOS apps are now sold at 85 yen, which is $1.08 on today’s rate, about 26% discount this morning. 230 yen app is now… Continue reading Apple Lowering iPhone App Store Prices For Yen: 115 becomes 85

Apple Partners With Dentsu To Boost Smartphone Ad Business In Japan

The world’s largest ad agency Dentsu announced it had partnered with Apple for the sales of smartphone ad network iAd in Japan.   Dentsu will start the sales in early 2011, and their subsidiary Cyber Communications Inc. provides ad content production services including media planning. iAd is installed on iOS4, which is the latest edition of… Continue reading Apple Partners With Dentsu To Boost Smartphone Ad Business In Japan

The 2010 Most Popular Company For Japanese Job Seekers Is Google

Japanese outplacement firm Intelligence [J] released their research of what companies people want to join next [J], done on 5,000 of office workers between age 25 to 34. On the ranking, Google jumped up from 2009’s third position because of good feeling to their “innovation” and “potential”. 2010 Rank in 2009 Company 1 3 Google… Continue reading The 2010 Most Popular Company For Japanese Job Seekers Is Google