Sumitomo To Export Online Pharmacy Soukai Drug To China And Indonesia

Sumitomo Corporation announced on March 7 that their online pharmacy Soukai Drug (soukai = briskness in Japanese) is going to expand into China and Indonesia this year. Their Shanghai and Jakarta subsidiaries are already set up. Trial in Shanghai is planned to begin in late April, Jakarta service will start in late August.

2-channel Founder And Affiliate Companies Gets Police Raid Around Drug-Dealers Comment Deletion

NHK [J], Asahi [J], Yomiuri [J]and others reported today that about 10 of Japan’s massive anonymous bulletin board service 2-channel-related homes and offices, including its founder Hiroyuki Nishimura’s house were searched by Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department from November 2011 to March 2012, this month. It turned out “according to a person in the investigation”. The… Continue reading 2-channel Founder And Affiliate Companies Gets Police Raid Around Drug-Dealers Comment Deletion

A Guy Sells Salt As Amphetamine Online, Earned $178,000

The Hyogo police arrested a Nagano guy in September under a charge of running 60 of internet bulletin boards for users to buy and sell illegal drugs online. [/caption] “No Drug” campaign in Japanese online game BelleIsle in 2006 This guy was expected to sell drugs by himself, but he talks that what he sold… Continue reading A Guy Sells Salt As Amphetamine Online, Earned $178,000 and Wellnet Sues Japanese Government around Drug e-Commerce Ban

Today, two online pharmacy stores and Wellnet had a press conference to announce that they had filed a lawsuit against Japanese government. They claims that the ban of online and postal drug sale, which is going to be effective from June 1st, is against the constitution. After we reported Rakuten, and others claimed… Continue reading and Wellnet Sues Japanese Government around Drug e-Commerce Ban

Japan is going to ban online non-prescription drug sales

The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) has announced a plan to ban online sales of non-prescription drugs. The MHLW is planning to issue an Ordinance of the Ministry to ban online drug sales by June 2009. In Japan, the online drug market has overall annual sales of 111 billion yen (1 billion… Continue reading Japan is going to ban online non-prescription drug sales