Anonymous Hackers Personified As A Clumsy Girl On Japanese Web

Anonymous, a hacker group known by several internet protest attacks against the recently passed Japanese anti-copyright bill which penalized music downloaders, who are being reported to be attacking Japanese government and political parties websites, gets a little troubles on its first contact with Japanese. Until this attack began, Anonymous and its hacktivism were known as… Continue reading Anonymous Hackers Personified As A Clumsy Girl On Japanese Web

2-channel Founder And Affiliate Companies Gets Police Raid Around Drug-Dealers Comment Deletion

NHK [J], Asahi [J], Yomiuri [J]and others reported today that about 10 of Japan’s massive anonymous bulletin board service 2-channel-related homes and offices, including its founder Hiroyuki Nishimura’s house were searched by Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department from November 2011 to March 2012, this month. It turned out “according to a person in the investigation”. The… Continue reading 2-channel Founder And Affiliate Companies Gets Police Raid Around Drug-Dealers Comment Deletion

Package Delivery Only By Twitter Name Begins In Japan

Softbank Group’s Meru-Ado Takuhaibin (means “Email Address Door-to-Door Delivery”), which we reported last December, lets people send parcels only by e-mail address, i.e. without knowing the recipients’ real address, now start supporting emerging messaging endpoint, Twitter. When a sender shows their intention to send a package to another Twitter user, this service asks to the… Continue reading Package Delivery Only By Twitter Name Begins In Japan