For the first case in Japanese newspaper’s history, Asahi Shimbun, one of the country’s nationwide major papers, set up an account for Twitter[J] today, and is running play-by-play tweet about the scene of a preliminary match for this year’s football world championship, Japan vs. Qatar, which is now being played at Nissan Stadium in Yokohama.… Continue reading Japanese Newspaper Finally Tweets
Year: 2009
Japan’s First Mobile WiMax Officially Announces Its Launch In July
UQ Communications, Japan’s first mobile WiMax carrier fund-raised by six shareholders including KDDI and Intel Capital, announced officially it had set the service launch on July 1st. Toshiba, Panasonic and Onkyo(known as its brandname of Sotec[J] for PC) started accepting advance orders for new WiMax-enabled laptop models. Sony and Fujitsu will also start selling new… Continue reading Japan’s First Mobile WiMax Officially Announces Its Launch In July
GeeksOnaAPlane: Silicon Valley meets the Tokyo tech scene
While it’s not unheard of that entrepreneurs and VCs from Japan go to California for information exchange, fund-raising (sometimes), networking and other purposes, Americans taking the trip to Tokyo are still the exception. This is the main idea of an initiative called GeeksOnAPlane, initiated by Silicon Valley icon Dave McClure (his San Francisco-based venture capital… Continue reading GeeksOnaAPlane: Silicon Valley meets the Tokyo tech scene
Translation Tool: New Option Between Human Profession And Computer’s Imperfectness
Today, in Japan, it seems that there is a boom in launching a new business category called “Social Translation”. Last week a Tokyo-based tech start-up Anydoor[J] launched a web-based new translation service, which is named Conyac, allowing participating members to do translation work. Japanese translation industry has annually USD2B worth of its market volume. Basically,… Continue reading Translation Tool: New Option Between Human Profession And Computer’s Imperfectness
ex-Livedoor CEO Takafumi Horie Begins Twitter and Got 2,500 Followers in 5 Hours
Takafumi Horie, aka Horiemon, who founded livedoor, one of the Japanese major web companies, who was arrested by securities fraud in 2006, began twitter and quickly getting thousands of followers in hours today. His first post [J] was “I started twitter. I’m thinking what to eat for lunch”. Later he reported he had eaten squid… Continue reading ex-Livedoor CEO Takafumi Horie Begins Twitter and Got 2,500 Followers in 5 Hours
Sony Makes Mashup Screensaver for Blue-Ray Recorder Promotion
As a part of their blue-ray disc recorder promotion, Sony gives away Windows/Mac screen saver on their site. After pressing “download” button, you have to scroll down the terms of use to the end to make the second download buttons enabled. Association with the recorder having an ability to find programmes by user-registered keywords and… Continue reading Sony Makes Mashup Screensaver for Blue-Ray Recorder Promotion
IVP Launches New Fund Raised By Web2.0 Celebrities In Japan & China
On Wednesday, Infinity Venture LLP[J] announced it would launch a new fund targeting investment on mobile start-ups in Japan and Mainland China. The Fundraisers for this are founders and presidents from tech-startups including DeNA (Mobile SNS) , Mixi[J] (SNS), Opt (web advertising agency) and P&A (investment firm founded by Rakuten‘s former CTO), who have made… Continue reading IVP Launches New Fund Raised By Web2.0 Celebrities In Japan & China
Japan’s Leading Publisher Fails To Monetize Its Main Portal
Reportedly Japan’s leading publisher Kodansha seems to have stopped updating its portal site on June 1st. The portal site, named “Moura[J]” (meaning “covering the entire world”), was launched in 2005, following the web edition of the publisher’s popular weekly magazine “Gendai[J]“. Almost 50 web editorial staffs were notified to dismiss the team so lately as… Continue reading Japan’s Leading Publisher Fails To Monetize Its Main Portal
Two Twitter Business Card Generators
From Japan, where business cards (Meishi) are salarymen‘s alter ego and represents an important part of tao of business, two twitter related business card services are accidentally released in two consecutive days. The first one, Meishitter by @feiq makes a miniature-sized of your twitter home in name card style. Released on 31th of May. The… Continue reading Two Twitter Business Card Generators
One Month Long Closing Of Alumni SNS Incites Anxiety About Personal Data Leak Of 3.5M Users
A Nagasaki headquartered SNS focusing on connecting classmates that you used to be together with has been closed since early May, which incites its 3.5 million users about possible personal data leak and forces them to lose ways to keep in touch one another. The SNS is “Kono Yubi Tomare[J]” also known as “Yubitoma”, named… Continue reading One Month Long Closing Of Alumni SNS Incites Anxiety About Personal Data Leak Of 3.5M Users