Bijostagram – Shows Only Beautiful Girls From Instagram

Bijostagram (bijo = beautiful lady in Japanese) is a new Instagram mashup from Japan to pick up only photos with beautiful girls. You open the page, then it refreshes periodically. The site was backed by a algorithm to detect beautiful girls photo only, developed by the creator hirotmb, and the frontend Javascript is supported by… Continue reading Bijostagram – Shows Only Beautiful Girls From Instagram

Listagram And Instastream – Two Instagram Mash-ups From Japan

Listagram is an unofficial Instagram related site by Kotaro Chiba, which lists up Instagram photos by specific user. Giving a single URL of the Instagram photo will show the set of photos by the user. You need to set profile if you want to be searched on it. RSS feed will be generated so you… Continue reading Listagram And Instastream – Two Instagram Mash-ups From Japan

Sony Makes Mashup Screensaver for Blue-Ray Recorder Promotion

As a part of their blue-ray disc recorder promotion, Sony gives away Windows/Mac screen saver on their site. After pressing “download” button, you have to scroll down the terms of use to the end to make the second download buttons enabled. Association with the recorder having an ability to find programmes by user-registered keywords and… Continue reading Sony Makes Mashup Screensaver for Blue-Ray Recorder Promotion

Serversman Serves Its 10,000th Man

We recently covered Serversman (by FreeBit) on Asiajin, a free iPhone/iPod file/web server application available in the Japanese App Store. About ten days after its release, FreeBit announced that it had passed the 10,000 registrations mark (MyCom article here[J]). Serversman (opens in iTunes) is similar to other file server apps like Files (opens in iTunes),… Continue reading Serversman Serves Its 10,000th Man

Sun and Recruit’s Mashup Awards 4

On Sunday, 19th October, Mashup Awards 4 , Sun Microsystems Japan and Recruit‘s [Recruit on Asiajin] web-service mashup development contest award ceremony was held at Recruit headoffice, next to the Tokyo station. The contest, 4th this time, gathered 44 companies’ web service API from many of Japanese web companies such like Yahoo Japan, Google Japan,… Continue reading Sun and Recruit’s Mashup Awards 4

A report of ESPer2008 conference

ESPer2008 conference has been held with 100+ attendees in Shinagawa, Tokyo at 14th September 2008. ESPer is a conference held by alumni of the Mitoh software grant (Exploratory Software Project) (in English). The Mitoh is a grant by Japanese government which is given to individual software developers. There are around thousand Mitoh alumni in Japan… Continue reading A report of ESPer2008 conference

Flickr mashup on Google App Engine from Japan

Here comes a new idea directly from Japan to make life on the web a little easier. Llamerada, a Japanese web engineer, coded a Flickr mashup on AJAX interface. He announced the release today on his blog. So what is this about? The basic idea is to make search on Flickr more comfortable. Llamerada wanted… Continue reading Flickr mashup on Google App Engine from Japan

Web umbrella Pileus

Even hardcore geeks might have never dreamt of something like this: An umbrella which is connected to the Internet! This gadget was developed by researchers at Tokyo-based Keio University. The “Pileus” umbrella looks ordinary from the outside but actually is a quite clever piece of hardware. The umbrella is able to display web sites on… Continue reading Web umbrella Pileus