Takafumi Horie, ex-Livedoor CEO Released On Parole

Horie himself announced on his Twitter account on 10:08 a.m. today March 27 (Japan Standard Time). 今日午前7:40くらいに仮釈放になりました!皆様いろいろ収監中はお世話になりました。ありがとうございました。無事仮釈放(刑期の74%)を貰う事ができました。 — 堀江貴文(Takafumi Horie) (@takapon_jp) March 27, 2013 According to the tweet, he was release around 7:40 a.m. The tweet has been retweeted over 5,000 times in 2 hours. After the Livedoor gate, he totally left Livedoor and had… Continue reading Takafumi Horie, ex-Livedoor CEO Released On Parole

ex-Livedoor CEO Takafumi Horie To Start Mahjong Comic From Jail

Takafumi Horie, an ex-Livedoor CEO who is in Jail since June 9 this year in violation of the Securities and Exchange Law, aka Horienmon, was announced to start a new manga series on fortnightly mahjong (wikipedia) comic magazine Kindai Mahjong [J]. There are two mahjong-only comic magazines in Japan. People playing mahjong is decreasing, but… Continue reading ex-Livedoor CEO Takafumi Horie To Start Mahjong Comic From Jail

ex-Livedoor CEO Takafumi Horie’s Last Nude! Before Imprisonment

ex-Livedoor CEO Takafumi Horie, aka Horiemon, who had got over 2 years imprisonment, broadcasted his road to jail on Nico Nico Live(Namahousou), but his desire for exhibitionism seems beyond that. “Horiemon Rasuto Gurabia” (Rasuto=Last, Gurabia = photo sets came from gravure magazine) article was published in Weekly Playboy [J] issued today June 27. If you… Continue reading ex-Livedoor CEO Takafumi Horie’s Last Nude! Before Imprisonment

ex-Livedoor CEO Takafumi Horie Sells His Road To Prison Live

Takafumi Horie, ex-Livedoor CEO, who had challenged several Japanese traditional companies and thought as one of Japanese IT-industry icon, who recently got rejected his appeal of innocent by supreme court, unveiled on his personal blog that the day of imprisonment is today, around 13:00 June 20, 2011 [J]. He is planned to be in jail… Continue reading ex-Livedoor CEO Takafumi Horie Sells His Road To Prison Live

30 Months in Prison for Livedoor Founder Horiemon

The Japanese business world lit abuzz yesterday as it was announced that the former head Livedoor, Takafumi Horie, had his appeal rejected by the Japanese Supreme Court, thereby finalizing his conviction for accounting fraud issued 4 years ago. Takafumi Horie, or Horiemon as he is popularly known for his resemblance to the manga character Doraemon,… Continue reading 30 Months in Prison for Livedoor Founder Horiemon

ex-Livedoor CEO Takafumi Horie Got Compulsory Seizure Of 3,600 USD

On March 10th, Tokyo District Court broke into a flat of ex-Livedoor CEO Takafumi Horie, a fallen IT entrepreneur star whose arrest caused so-called “Livedoor Shock” in 2006, distrain upon his golf bag, wine cellar appliance, television and shamisen(Japanese guiter) by valued them as 330,000 yen ($3646) in total. Horie is appealing his alleged securities… Continue reading ex-Livedoor CEO Takafumi Horie Got Compulsory Seizure Of 3,600 USD

A New Japanese Twitter Clone Ameba-Now Front Loaded To PC Web

Cyber Agent, known by one of the most successful blog hosting Ameblo boasting thousand celebrities users, who started a new mobile microblog service Ameba Now, accelerated to launch its PC version 3 days later, today 11th, which was originally planned on 16th. Ameba Now’s top page (without login) shows featured celebrities messages. Different from cellphone… Continue reading A New Japanese Twitter Clone Ameba-Now Front Loaded To PC Web

ex-Livedoor CEO Takafumi Horie Begins Twitter and Got 2,500 Followers in 5 Hours

Takafumi Horie, aka Horiemon, who founded livedoor, one of the Japanese major web companies, who was arrested by securities fraud in 2006, began twitter and quickly getting thousands of followers in hours today. His first post [J] was “I started twitter. I’m thinking what to eat for lunch”. Later he reported he had eaten squid… Continue reading ex-Livedoor CEO Takafumi Horie Begins Twitter and Got 2,500 Followers in 5 Hours