Track The International Space Station(ISS) From PC, Facebook And Smartphone

SightSpaceStation by Tokyo-based Tori Ningen [J] is a site gives you full experience and knowledge on the International Space Station(ISS) watch. The English/Japanese/Spanish-trilingual web site tells you that the earliest date and time when you will be able to watch the ISS flies over your town next time. Google Maps, Google Street View and Google… Continue reading Track The International Space Station(ISS) From PC, Facebook And Smartphone

Japan’s Top Search Keywords in 2010 By Yahoo! Japan

It is a year-end buzzword ranking season. Yahoo! Japan, Japan’s most popular search portal, though the backend search engine has been gradually switching to Google’s one (everyday more people report that their search results are the similar with the Google’s results), eventually gets the highest number of search volume in Japanese. Yahoo! Japan just released… Continue reading Japan’s Top Search Keywords in 2010 By Yahoo! Japan

Google Maps Throws Off “Beta” In Japan On Its 5th Anniversary

Google Japan cerebrated the 5th anniversary of Google Maps with bloggers event and the special logo, which may be the first time custom logo for Google Maps. The event was held at the Roppongi Hills, to where Google Japan moved from Shibuya recently. At the event, Google Maps developers made presentations how Google Maps team… Continue reading Google Maps Throws Off “Beta” In Japan On Its 5th Anniversary

Have Sushi At Fish Market, Then Check Pins Out

In commemoration of announcing “Favorite Places[J]” as a promotion campaign of Google Map, on Monday Google Japan[J] placed “real” red pins at several locations, which imitate mark-up symbols used on Google Map, including JR Shibuya Station and a Buddhist temple next to Tokyo’s fish market that foreign visitors never forget to drop by. The pin… Continue reading Have Sushi At Fish Market, Then Check Pins Out

Google Launched Google Maps in Korea

Google started Google Maps Korea on November 25th. Goole was not providing map service in Korea before. Google’s presence is much lower than their presence in the US or Japanese market. Google Maps Korea will be very helpful for overseas travellers, because they can use the service with their familiar Google Maps interface, even though… Continue reading Google Launched Google Maps in Korea

Google Maps Japan hats off to Mixi

Mixi (on Asiajin), the biggest Social Network Site in Japan, announced that Google Maps Japan now has an specialized Mixi button for users who wants to embed Google Maps on their users diary (Mixi Nikki). “Embed this map to other service: mixi” Mixi has been having the “embed Google Maps” feature for a year which… Continue reading Google Maps Japan hats off to Mixi