The Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Archive on Google Earth “Hiroshima Archive”

August 6 was a day when the atomic bomb was dropped to Hiroshima by the U.S. Army. Hidenori Watanave Laboratory at Tokyo Metropolitan University launched pluralistic digital archive “The Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Archive”. (English and Japanese) “The Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Archive” is a pluralistic digital archive using Google Earth to display on it the… Continue reading The Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Archive on Google Earth “Hiroshima Archive”

Track The International Space Station(ISS) From PC, Facebook And Smartphone

SightSpaceStation by Tokyo-based Tori Ningen [J] is a site gives you full experience and knowledge on the International Space Station(ISS) watch. The English/Japanese/Spanish-trilingual web site tells you that the earliest date and time when you will be able to watch the ISS flies over your town next time. Google Maps, Google Street View and Google… Continue reading Track The International Space Station(ISS) From PC, Facebook And Smartphone

Google Joins Forces With Japanese Astro Labs To Create Virtual Moon

In commemorating the 40th anniversary of the first human landing to the moon, on Tuesday, Google introduced a 3D map showing you the entire surface of the moon, named “Moon in Google Earth”, which is available on version 5.0 or later of Google Earth. Besides moon surface photos supplied by NASA, Japanese astronomical laboratories such… Continue reading Google Joins Forces With Japanese Astro Labs To Create Virtual Moon

Web umbrella Pileus

Even hardcore geeks might have never dreamt of something like this: An umbrella which is connected to the Internet! This gadget was developed by researchers at Tokyo-based Keio University. The “Pileus” umbrella looks ordinary from the outside but actually is a quite clever piece of hardware. The umbrella is able to display web sites on… Continue reading Web umbrella Pileus