Facebook Adds Kansai-ben(dialect)

Facebook Japan added today a new language selection “Japanese (Kansai)” for its web versions (PC and mobile), Weekly Ascii Plus reported. In Kansai-ben, “Iine!”(Like!) is displayed as “Eeyan!”, “Comment” is replaced with “Tsukkomu”. via Weekly Ascii Plus Facebook Adds Kansai-ben(dialect)

Facebook Adds QR-Code to Add Friends via 2D Barcode for Japan

AndroWire reported that Facebook added a new QR Code profile feature only for Japanese users. Facebook users on iOS and Android can show a QR Code from a user profile, on which others can access and request to be a Facebook friend. Early this week, Facebook released stamps on comments feature for Japan, at now… Continue reading Facebook Adds QR-Code to Add Friends via 2D Barcode for Japan

Yomiuri Accuses A Cook Uploads Cooking Photo On Facebook

Yomiuri Shinbun, the world’s largest newspaper, today reported a new culprit who played over food and social media photo [J]. It is the latest one on the series of the stupid social media users. This bad guy carried in his own smart phone at his workplace, a school lunch center in Nagano prefecture, took photos… Continue reading Yomiuri Accuses A Cook Uploads Cooking Photo On Facebook

Facebook Japan Replaces Its Head Following To Mixi

3 days ago we reported that Mixi is to have a young new president. Now Facebook Japan announced that a new president, according to Markezine [J]. Same as Mixi, this is the first time of presidency change. Atsuhi Iwashita, who is going to take the president seat on May 20, have served as CEO for… Continue reading Facebook Japan Replaces Its Head Following To Mixi

Mixi Adds Facebook-like Poke With Comic Fonts Messages

Mixi added a new feature “Mixi Hello!” on March 25. With it, users can send pre-set messages in comic style to your friends, by 1-click without writing any letter. The pre-set messages are, “Oh Yeah!”, “Hello!”, “Long time no see”, “Hi”, “How are you?” and “Take care”. Mixi said [J] that the function was introduced… Continue reading Mixi Adds Facebook-like Poke With Comic Fonts Messages

How Facebook Crossed the Chasm in Japan and Lessons for Other Platforms

Important note: Most of these statements are qualitative in nature. For some statements there’s not enough supporting data. Please read this post with a pinch of salt. In the summer of 2004, a new file sharing platform, named wirehog, was in the works. This platform was not that successful and it gave us a very… Continue reading How Facebook Crossed the Chasm in Japan and Lessons for Other Platforms

Facebook Japan Lost 13% Users Last Week

Facebook’s own advertising tool (and Socialbakers who records its chronological changes) showed that the number of active users in Japan dropped to 13.8 million on Feb. 19, 2 million down from 15.85 million on the former week. It was 12.9% down as low as the end of August 2012. From the peak, 17.1 million on… Continue reading Facebook Japan Lost 13% Users Last Week

What to do if an earthquake strikes? LINE is the answer

We recently conducted a survey among college students and found that LINE is their most favorite social media platform. Most interestingly when we asked what they would do if there was an earthquake, they listed LINE as their preferred type of communication channel after the phone, email and the internet. This is a topic I… Continue reading What to do if an earthquake strikes? LINE is the answer

Facebook Users Increased 33% Last Month

According to Socialbakers, which takes the number of users from Facebook’s own advertisers tool, the number of Japanese Facebook users jumped up from 10.5 million to 13.99 million. I do not notice any other signs to show Facebook’s popularity increase in August, but if Facebook’s self-claiming user base is reliable (maybe not so), something good… Continue reading Facebook Users Increased 33% Last Month

Play Game On Spreadsheet! Japanese Coffee-Soda Promotion

Japan’s beverage vendor Suntory’s new promotion site [J] for its carbonated coffee drink Espressoda [J] is an action game on web browser, which you can play at office, as the game looks like your are working on spreadsheets. Horizontal scrolling game with jump and obstacles, such like Super Mario, is built on financial tables and… Continue reading Play Game On Spreadsheet! Japanese Coffee-Soda Promotion