Google Maps Throws Off “Beta” In Japan On Its 5th Anniversary

Google Japan cerebrated the 5th anniversary of Google Maps with bloggers event and the special logo, which may be the first time custom logo for Google Maps. The event was held at the Roppongi Hills, to where Google Japan moved from Shibuya recently. At the event, Google Maps developers made presentations how Google Maps team… Continue reading Google Maps Throws Off “Beta” In Japan On Its 5th Anniversary

The First Practical Kyoto Address Search Yahoo/Google Do Not Offer

If you ever lived in Japan, you know that Japanese address system is uneasy for people who get used to the western system on which all streets have a name and name+number identify the single location. In Japan, addresses are rather area name. Two Giants Yahoo! Japan and Google have been working well with this… Continue reading The First Practical Kyoto Address Search Yahoo/Google Do Not Offer