Japanese-Style Search-By-Blabla Ads Fail Sometime

This is a follow-up post for my monthly column on The Japan Times, Why do Japanese advertisers suggest Internet-search keywords?. There I explained why many of paper/TV ads in Japan are asking people to search by keywords, instead of typing URLs. Soon after the column was published, I got a question from a reader if… Continue reading Japanese-Style Search-By-Blabla Ads Fail Sometime

Google Zeitgeist 2010 Japanese Ranking

Following to Yahoo! Japan 2010 ranking, Google’s Zeitgeist 2010 has been disclosed on all of their languages including Japanese. Although Yahoo! Japan Search switched its backend to Google’s one, people searching on Yahoo! japan and people searching on Google will keep using the same frontend, and will show the similar trends in 2011. The most… Continue reading Google Zeitgeist 2010 Japanese Ranking

Japan’s Top Search Keywords in 2010 By Yahoo! Japan

It is a year-end buzzword ranking season. Yahoo! Japan, Japan’s most popular search portal, though the backend search engine has been gradually switching to Google’s one (everyday more people report that their search results are the similar with the Google’s results), eventually gets the highest number of search volume in Japanese. Yahoo! Japan just released… Continue reading Japan’s Top Search Keywords in 2010 By Yahoo! Japan