GuruNavi Compromises With Users’ Review, In Competition Against Tabelog

Asahi reported that the popular online restaurant site Gurunabi (Japanre abbrev. of “Groumet Navigator”) opened a new page showing the ranking of restaurants by score of users’ review. Gurunabi is an information site where restaurants pay for their shops listed, and the site had been the champion of restaurant guide sites for years until its… Continue reading GuruNavi Compromises With Users’ Review, In Competition Against Tabelog

Japan’s Top Search Keywords in 2010 By Yahoo! Japan

It is a year-end buzzword ranking season. Yahoo! Japan, Japan’s most popular search portal, though the backend search engine has been gradually switching to Google’s one (everyday more people report that their search results are the similar with the Google’s results), eventually gets the highest number of search volume in Japanese. Yahoo! Japan just released… Continue reading Japan’s Top Search Keywords in 2010 By Yahoo! Japan

Evernote Gets Bigger, Opens Office in Japan

Evernote‘s press conference was held in Tokyo on 23rd June, just one day before their second anniversary. At the conference, Evernote’s CEO Phil Libin, who was visiting Tokyo, announced a lot of new things for their Japanese users. 1. Japan branch They opened a 100% subsidiary, Evernote Japan. Evernote’s vice president Takeshi Nakajima, who worked… Continue reading Evernote Gets Bigger, Opens Office in Japan