App For Sliding On Bald Mens’ Heads: “Hage-mu” Reaches 400,000 Downloads

Downloads of “Hage-mu” (Bald Game in English version, comes from “hage(bald)” and “game”), an iPhone application for gliding on the bald heads of guys from around the world offered by CYDER, [J] have topped over 400,000.  As a commemoration of its release, it is now being offered on sale for a price of 85 yen.… Continue reading App For Sliding On Bald Mens’ Heads: “Hage-mu” Reaches 400,000 Downloads

Motto TV: Japan Gets New Video-On-Demand Service

Hulu Japan, actvila, and other existing video content providers are getting competition soon: a total of seven Japanese companies are currently preparing a video-on-demand service for connected TVs that’s scheduled to launch on April 2 this year. Dubbed “Motto TV” [JP, PDF], the service is backed by: advertising agency Dentsu Nippon Television Network TV Asahi… Continue reading Motto TV: Japan Gets New Video-On-Demand Service

Japan Patent Office Gives Up New Patent System Which Already Spent 5.5 Billion Yen

Asahi reported [J] that Japan’s Patent Office(JPO) decided to terminate their patent management system renewal project which began in 2006. They already spent 5.5 billion yen(US$70 million) and specially formed inspection committee in the organization recommended to stop the project. The project term was set from December 2006 to January 2014, development by Toshiba Solution… Continue reading Japan Patent Office Gives Up New Patent System Which Already Spent 5.5 Billion Yen

Mixi And DeNA Allies In Social Commerce

January 25, two of Japan’s largest social networking service companies, DeNA(who runs Mobage) and Mixi announced their new alliance on social commerce. On the release, it is said that “Mixi, who holds networks of close friends” and “DeNA, who has plenty of knowledge on e-commerce and has been running Bidders (mobile shopping service)” are going… Continue reading Mixi And DeNA Allies In Social Commerce

Hatsune Miku’s Song Used For Google Chrome Commercial Tops At iTunes Japan Chart

“Tell Your World “, the song which is used for Google Chrome Promotional campaign of livetune feat. Hatsune Mike (初音ミク) tops at iTunes Japan among all categories. iTunes Japan chart at 19th January was following. The song was released in 18th January on iTunes Japan and right after the release, ranked top 10. On next day, it… Continue reading Hatsune Miku’s Song Used For Google Chrome Commercial Tops At iTunes Japan Chart

Privacy: How To Get Postal Address From Amazon Wish List

Amazon’s wish list is a list of products that you can publish on Amazon and ask people to purchase and send, a kind of donation feature. You are expected to be anonymous and still receive gifts, for example blog readers. On January 18, a Twitter user @mopetsune explained how you can extract anyone’s real address… Continue reading Privacy: How To Get Postal Address From Amazon Wish List

Goo Web Search Offers Useful Tweets On Search Results

NTT Resonant, a subsidiary of Japan’s largest telecommunication company NTT, who is running Goo, a search engine for PC, mobile (mainly for Docomo handsets) and smartphone, released [J] that Goo starts providing “Useful Tweets” on its search result page. The useful tweets showed on the search are selected by Goo’s original language analysis and scoring… Continue reading Goo Web Search Offers Useful Tweets On Search Results

Japanese Government Tries To Distribute Fake Pirated TV Drama Over P2P File Sharing Networks

Jpaan Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications(MIC) on January 20 released [J] that they are running an experiment to distribute files which name look like pirated TV drama videos from January 23 to 29. The fake drama videos will be distributed at least on two popular Japanese peer-to-peer file sharing tools/networks, Winny and Share. The… Continue reading Japanese Government Tries To Distribute Fake Pirated TV Drama Over P2P File Sharing Networks

10% Of Ministry Staff Open Suspicious Mail Attachment On Surprise Security Drill In Japan

Japan’s National Information Security Center reported on January 19 that the results of its security drill with 60,000 staff in 12 government organizations around malicious mail attachment [J, pdf]. According to the report, from October to December 2011, the center held security training to the 60,000 staff, then sent two mails which you could not… Continue reading 10% Of Ministry Staff Open Suspicious Mail Attachment On Surprise Security Drill In Japan

Japan’s #2 Carrier KDDI Pushing Ads On Android Notification Bar

KDDI, Japan’s second largest cellphone carrier is being blamed by users on Twitter [J] by displaying advertising on Android “as a system notification”. Here is a sample screenshot informs from KDDI to you “Diet by an App”, on the system notification. The Android app to insert such ads on the Android system notification is an… Continue reading Japan’s #2 Carrier KDDI Pushing Ads On Android Notification Bar