Goo Web Search Offers Useful Tweets On Search Results

NTT Resonant, a subsidiary of Japan’s largest telecommunication company NTT, who is running Goo, a search engine for PC, mobile (mainly for Docomo handsets) and smartphone, released [J] that Goo starts providing “Useful Tweets” on its search result page. The useful tweets showed on the search are selected by Goo’s original language analysis and scoring… Continue reading Goo Web Search Offers Useful Tweets On Search Results

Goo To End RSS Reader And Movie Sharing Service

Goo, a Japanese web portal run by NTT Resonant, a group company of NTT, announced to terminate their two sub services. Goo RSS Reader All variations of Goo’s RSS Readers, web reader [J], Windows application version and Japanese cellphone version will be discontinued [J]. PC and mobile web versions will stop on May 31, 2011.… Continue reading Goo To End RSS Reader And Movie Sharing Service

Finally Google Out, Goo In On Half Of Japanese Cellphone

As I reported on Monday, NTT comrades – #1 cellphone carrier NTT Docomo and Japanese portal Goo owner NTT Resonant – tried to get back search initiative in Japanese mobile web by switching their i-mode iMenu mobile web search from Google on April 30th, but failed with (I guess by too much traffic) trouble and… Continue reading Finally Google Out, Goo In On Half Of Japanese Cellphone

Google Losing Default Mobile Search Engine Position On Docomo i-mode Portal, A Gate To Half Of Japanese Mobile Web

Japan’s largest cellphone carrier NTT Docomo, which boasts 50% market share on cellphone users, also keeps over 50% share of cellphone web connection services i-mode, announced that they switch their default mobile internet search service from Google mobile search to Goo’s one since April 30th [J]. Until last week, your searching on i-mode portal, iMenu… Continue reading Google Losing Default Mobile Search Engine Position On Docomo i-mode Portal, A Gate To Half Of Japanese Mobile Web

Is It For Monitoring Your Performance, Or Preventing You From Adult Disease?

NTT DoCoMo announced today it would launch a new service providing corporate users with health advisory for preventing their employees from adult disease. If a corporate user applies for the service, NTT DoCoMo will start collecting vital data from pedometer-enabled cellphone handsets owned by the company’s employees, they can be advised by health nurses and… Continue reading Is It For Monitoring Your Performance, Or Preventing You From Adult Disease?

Kiseki – Cellularphone lifelog service starts

NTT Resonant, who is doing the portal site “goo”, released a mobile lifelog service “Kiseki” integrating GPS automatic recording and mobile/PC diary/blog in greater Tokyo area on 29th May, 2008. With supported cellularphone (FOMA 905i/904i/903i series having GPS) in Tokyo/Kanagawa/Chiba/Saitama prefectures, Docomo users can download a free i-appli (mobile application) and set it as a… Continue reading Kiseki – Cellularphone lifelog service starts