Japanese Government Warns Google Around Its New Privacy Policy

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications(MIC) and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry(METI) announced [J] on February 29 that they jointly notified to Google that its privacy policy which would be newly introduced on March 1 must respect laws and regulations, also inform users the change well. Google, as well as on other countries and… Continue reading Japanese Government Warns Google Around Its New Privacy Policy

Japanese Government Tries To Distribute Fake Pirated TV Drama Over P2P File Sharing Networks

Jpaan Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications(MIC) on January 20 released [J] that they are running an experiment to distribute files which name look like pirated TV drama videos from January 23 to 29. The fake drama videos will be distributed at least on two popular Japanese peer-to-peer file sharing tools/networks, Winny and Share. The… Continue reading Japanese Government Tries To Distribute Fake Pirated TV Drama Over P2P File Sharing Networks

10% Of Ministry Staff Open Suspicious Mail Attachment On Surprise Security Drill In Japan

Japan’s National Information Security Center reported on January 19 that the results of its security drill with 60,000 staff in 12 government organizations around malicious mail attachment [J, pdf]. According to the report, from October to December 2011, the center held security training to the 60,000 staff, then sent two mails which you could not… Continue reading 10% Of Ministry Staff Open Suspicious Mail Attachment On Surprise Security Drill In Japan

Japanese Government Allows ISPs to Target Ads by Browsing History

A Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (総務省) working group recently published an opinion stating that certain network monitoring technologies (Deep Packet Inspection) can be used by Internet Service Providers to serve targeted advertising to users, but only after the user has been clearly notified of these practices. This news made the top page of Sunday’s… Continue reading Japanese Government Allows ISPs to Target Ads by Browsing History

Japanese Government Site For Whistle-blower Finally Launches, Still Insists Non Existing “.com”

As we reported [1][2], Japanese government opens a website for people to inform wasted tax money or irrational rules issues directly to them. The domain name, after squatted, is “http://www.cao.go.jp/” which guarantees the website is by government. However, they do not stop using “Hatomimi.com” [J] logo and tries to send confuse people to the squatter’s… Continue reading Japanese Government Site For Whistle-blower Finally Launches, Still Insists Non Existing “.com”

Japanese Government Promotes Puppet Security Idol “Securina”

Securina is an another virtual idol unit by puppets newly appeared into Japanese otaku scene, as a part of “Check PC” campaign backed by METI, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan. Shina, from Tokyo, who is unfussy and easygoing, likes Parfait. and Sena from Osaka, assertive and boyish, likes drive. The “Check PC”… Continue reading Japanese Government Promotes Puppet Security Idol “Securina”