Yahoo! Japan Hacked Accounts: 1.5 Million Users Might Be More Unsecure

Today, Yahoo! Japan official blog published the follow-up announcement [J] of the possible 22 million account name leaks on 17th. According to it, further investigation reached the conclusion that more data beyond account name could be brought out for 1.486 million accounts. The data are non-decrypt-able password (password hash, I guess) and information used when… Continue reading Yahoo! Japan Hacked Accounts: 1.5 Million Users Might Be More Unsecure

Anti-Cyber Attack Alert System “DAEDALUS” Looks Very “Ghost In The Shell”-ish

Japan’s National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) announced “DAEDALUS” (Direct Alert Environment for Darknet And Livenet Unified Security) system on June 6. The system has nationwide distributed surveillance network to watch so-called darknet, a part of the Internet which IP address are not supposed to be used. There are non-ignorable amount of digital… Continue reading Anti-Cyber Attack Alert System “DAEDALUS” Looks Very “Ghost In The Shell”-ish

10% Of Ministry Staff Open Suspicious Mail Attachment On Surprise Security Drill In Japan

Japan’s National Information Security Center reported on January 19 that the results of its security drill with 60,000 staff in 12 government organizations around malicious mail attachment [J, pdf]. According to the report, from October to December 2011, the center held security training to the 60,000 staff, then sent two mails which you could not… Continue reading 10% Of Ministry Staff Open Suspicious Mail Attachment On Surprise Security Drill In Japan

Rakuten’s Virtual Currency Claimed To Be Stolen And Used For Online Game Nexon

There have been consumers complaining that their Rakuten Super Point, virtual currency circulated in Japan’s largest online shopping mall Rakuten Ichiba and its affiliated services, had been disappeared, the record said that they had spend it on online game service Nexon. There are already over 100 Rakuten users reported to Rakuten that their points were… Continue reading Rakuten’s Virtual Currency Claimed To Be Stolen And Used For Online Game Nexon

Ameba Gets Security Attack – 50,000 Users Unregistered From The Service

Cyber Agent’s Ameba, one of Japan’s largest blogging service with thousands of celebrity blogs and virtual community around Ameba Pigg, announced on its staff blog [J] that Ameba services got illegal access, and some of its users are seeing trouble that they can not log in and look withdrawn the service since December 24 night.… Continue reading Ameba Gets Security Attack – 50,000 Users Unregistered From The Service

Young American Serial Entrepreneur Faces Harsh Criticism Over Free-By-Ads WiFi Service Privacy Issue

Kristopher Tate is an American-born serial entrepreneur who had appeared many times on TechCrunch by his photo-sharing start up Zooomr founded at his age of 17. TechCrunch’s database had not tracked him later but he migrated to Tokyo with Zooomr with seeing more possibility in Japan and Japanese web in 2007, has been actively developing… Continue reading Young American Serial Entrepreneur Faces Harsh Criticism Over Free-By-Ads WiFi Service Privacy Issue

Milog Gives Up User-Tracking Android Ads Library

Milog announced [J] that it had taken down its infamous AppLog SDK for Android, which were embedded into several Android applications and send users’ application usage information even before getting permission. Last week I wrote about Milog’s service/library and the issues they caused on The Japan Times. Popular Android web browser Dolphin Browser collecting users… Continue reading Milog Gives Up User-Tracking Android Ads Library

Kawaii Security – Over 30 Computer Virus Personified In Japanese Security Book

It is understandable to make your favorite web services drawn as characters, but how about internet viruses? A Japanese publisher Sansai Books started selling a security book “Kawaii Security”, which enlightens you computer virus history since 1980’s, with over 30 infamous viruses anthropomorphized in cute anime-style characters. Which virus being personified in the book has… Continue reading Kawaii Security – Over 30 Computer Virus Personified In Japanese Security Book

A Japanese Implies He Began Today’s Twitter XSS Atack Storm

[Update] Title changed As TechCrunch reported, the security attack letting login users to post any tweets has been spread within hours all over the twittersphere. Because the attack utilizes the Twitter’s cross site scripting bug and Javascript onmouseover, it was easy to force people using Twitter web clients (both PC and mobile) to re-post… Continue reading A Japanese Implies He Began Today’s Twitter XSS Atack Storm

Google Search Returned Suspicious Site

As reported on Google Help Forum in Japanese [J], some Japanese search users who searched on Google by “” was taken to a site which has a strange domain “”, but shows the totally same contents as Yahoo! Japan. People usually search Yahoo! Japan by “Yahoo” but not “” (well, I don’t know why people… Continue reading Google Search Returned Suspicious Site