MySpace Japan accepts Yahoo! Japan ID

Web power maps are different between Japan and English-web, as we have been showing examples (1, 2, 3). Now, another interesting cooperation which won’t happen in USA is announced. MySpace depends on Yahoo’s account. Now, MySpace Japan has a link “Log in by Yahoo! Japan ID” below the regular log-in form. You will be forwarded… Continue reading MySpace Japan accepts Yahoo! Japan ID

Google Alphabet in Japanese and other languages

Google finally added their long-testing “Google Suggest” feature to their top page. O’Reilly Radar made an interesting list of which letter shows what keyword when you type a single letter, ‘A’ to ‘Z’. By this, you can observe what brands are strong and popular in English web, at least Google thinks so. Well, then how… Continue reading Google Alphabet in Japanese and other languages

Source Next takes USB Memory Software Package from CD-ROM

Packaged Software supplier Source Next will start selling their “USB Memory package” application from September 5th, 2008. Under the “U memo series” brand, they will sell their anti-virus software, cell phone data sync tool, greeting cards utility, etc. in 1MB USB memory. The memory can be used as a regular USB memory. It is explained… Continue reading Source Next takes USB Memory Software Package from CD-ROM

Twitter-like Mixi Echo keeps going

Despite of Twitter’s founder Evan Williams’ unplesant, Mixi’s microblogging feature “Mixi Echo” one month trial is announced to be extended for “uncertain period”. This feature was originally planned to be closed on September 1st 2008, however, because of “popular demand”, we decide to extend the period of service. The end date is undecided. Mixi’s main… Continue reading Twitter-like Mixi Echo keeps going

Samurai Weapon – Blog Destroyer Widget

[NB: Sound is on by default] Samurai Weapon is a bilingual(Japanese/English) blog widget provided by a big Japanese game vendor Koei, as a promotion of their new Nintendo DS game “Kunitori Zunou Battle/Nobunaga no Yabou” (Strategic Battle/Nobunaga’s Ambition). On the widget, Samurai Warrior with his full armors will get irritated by your mouse touch. He… Continue reading Samurai Weapon – Blog Destroyer Widget

Web2.0 is dead in Japan

It sounds like a joke, but the Japanese company “Web2.0, Inc.” turns out to be in deadpool in coming September 2008. Web2.0 Inc. was established by Digital Garage, the nation leading event-ticket seller company Pia and the No.1 online price comparison service on November 15th 2005 and offers Social Bookmark service PingKing. With the… Continue reading Web2.0 is dead in Japan

In Japan, Yahoo! does “Google Knol”

In English Web, No.1 Google tries to erode Wikipedia‘s territory by Knol. In Japan, interestingly, the champion portal Yahoo! Japan starts wiki based annotation service “Editable Related Info Area”(Kanren Johou Eria [J]) on their news site annex Yahoo! Japan News Topics. Here is the topic of “Beijin Olympic 2008” screenshot. You can see more than… Continue reading In Japan, Yahoo! does “Google Knol”

Mobage Town forays into PC web from mobile

Mobage Town, the Japan’s largest mobile social networking service(SNS) launched their “PC version” website on July 24th 2008. Mobage Town has made a totally new field “Cellularphone Social Network based on free games” and that success called many followers like GREE mobile, Puchige(Petit Game) Friends, Daishugou NEO, etc. PC SNS leader Mixi, has been providing… Continue reading Mobage Town forays into PC web from mobile

Video Authoring on cell phone launched

If people writes novel (ketai shosetsu) and graduation thesis (*1) on cell phone, some people must be really patient with small display and small keypad. This is another new service which was not supposed to do on cell phone, editing movie. Softbank Creative, DeNA and Ubiquitous Entertainment launched a new service on DeNA’s huge cellular… Continue reading Video Authoring on cell phone launched

Tokyo2point0 event: Google Cloud and Korean Internet Ventures

This month’s Tokyo2point0 was held at Nishiazabu Super Deluxe with two sessions. Google: Programming the Cloud After (very) short talk on marketing pitch of Google Cloud usage, Gregor Hohpe from Google Inc. talked on technical/architectual advantages of Google engineering system and external services. It is explained that the characteristics of Google’s services are formed by… Continue reading Tokyo2point0 event: Google Cloud and Korean Internet Ventures