e-Money Service Edy Rebrands Itself As Rakuten Edy

BitWallet, who runs one of Japan’s most successful e-money service Edy since 2011, who joined the Japan’s largest e-mall group Rakuten in January 2010, 2 years ago, announced [J] that the e-money brand Edy will be changed to “Rakuten Edy” from June 1, 2012. Rakuten did similar renaming on companies they bought, like DLJdirect SFG… Continue reading e-Money Service Edy Rebrands Itself As Rakuten Edy

Ameba Pigg In Collaboration With GUCCI! Official Goods Sold

Cyber Agent’s [J] 2D virtual space “Ameba Pigg” has begun a collaboration with fashion brand GUCCI.  Presently within Ameba Pigg’s “Ginza Main Street Area,” GUCCI has opened a virtual shop. This collaboration’s planned period is limited until GUCCI’s 90th anniversary commemoration on October 17th.  During this period, actual GUCCI items that have been sold until… Continue reading Ameba Pigg In Collaboration With GUCCI! Official Goods Sold

Rakuten Announced Its Chinese Brand Name

Japanese e-shopping mall colossus Rakuten, who are cooperating with China No.1 Search Engine Baidu to open joint e-mall in Chinese web, disclosed their Chinese name [J]. The three Chinese letters, pronounced the same “Rakuten” are consist of original “Rakuten” in Japanese two letters and a new letter at the middle of original two. The first… Continue reading Rakuten Announced Its Chinese Brand Name

Google Alphabet in Japanese and other languages

Google finally added their long-testing “Google Suggest” feature to their top page. O’Reilly Radar made an interesting list of which letter shows what keyword when you type a single letter, ‘A’ to ‘Z’. By this, you can observe what brands are strong and popular in English web, at least Google thinks so. Well, then how… Continue reading Google Alphabet in Japanese and other languages