Train Your Singing With iPhone Under Cherry Trees, And Attend MySpace Japan’s Karaoke Contest

Japan’s third largest karaoke company Xing[J](pronounced “eksing”) started Monday the free karaoke service[J] on MySpace Japan(MSJ)[J], which enables to record your karaoke performance on video or audio.  Twenty five brand new tunes will be added to the lineups every week, the video recording your performance can be shared with your friends on the SNS.  In… Continue reading Train Your Singing With iPhone Under Cherry Trees, And Attend MySpace Japan’s Karaoke Contest

How To Grow A Music Star Without Street Live Performance In Tokyo

There used to be some pedestrian precincts in Tokyo, where young indie music artists and bands came down from every corner of the country, they performed their original tunes in front of a street audience and dreamed to debut and release their sound pieces from major labels. But now in the highly populated area of… Continue reading How To Grow A Music Star Without Street Live Performance In Tokyo

Shake-up in Japan’s mobile web: Mixi, MySpace, Mobage, Yahoo, Dwango and SoftBank Mobile collaborate

The mobile web is huge in Japan, meaning the alliance between Japanese Internet powerhouses Dwango, Mixi, MySpace Japan, Mobage-town, Yahoo and telecommunications company SoftBank Mobile announced on Thursday has to be taken very seriously. Details are rather scarce at this point but SoftBank, for example, says [J] Dwango will provide content from its super-successful video… Continue reading Shake-up in Japan’s mobile web: Mixi, MySpace, Mobage, Yahoo, Dwango and SoftBank Mobile collaborate

MySpace Japan accepts Yahoo! Japan ID

Web power maps are different between Japan and English-web, as we have been showing examples (1, 2, 3). Now, another interesting cooperation which won’t happen in USA is announced. MySpace depends on Yahoo’s account. Now, MySpace Japan has a link “Log in by Yahoo! Japan ID” below the regular log-in form. You will be forwarded… Continue reading MySpace Japan accepts Yahoo! Japan ID

Karaoke country fenced out from MySpace Karaoke

Today’s launched MySpace new feature, MySpace Karaoke, seems inaccessible from Japan, as you know, the birthplace of karaoke. We apologize, but this content is not licensed in your region, and therefore, cannot be played. We are working on launching international sites soon so please be sure to check back with us. Sing your heart out!… Continue reading Karaoke country fenced out from MySpace Karaoke