Tokyo2point0 event: Google Cloud and Korean Internet Ventures

This month’s Tokyo2point0 was held at Nishiazabu Super Deluxe with two sessions.

Google: Programming the Cloud

After (very) short talk on marketing pitch of Google Cloud usage, Gregor Hohpe from Google Inc. talked on technical/architectual advantages of Google engineering system and external services.

It is explained that the characteristics of Google’s services are formed by concentrating on getting “roughly correct”, contrary to strict system such like used for money handling system.

Technologies for Google internal

Four technologies support it are drilled down.

  • Google File System(GFS)
  • Bigtable
  • MapReduce
  • Sawzall

For Google, Peta Byte (1000 Terabytes) is the common unit to handle. These tools are designed for taking care those massive data processing on thousands of servers.

Google Technologies opened to outside

Google Data API including Calendar API and Google App Engine were explained with sample application demo.

Korean Internet Ventures

Andy Lee, Softbank Media Lab in Korea was connected to the room via Skype Video Chat, introduced three Korean startups by showing their English demo videos.

All of three venture service are related with visual content creating. Drawing, movie and sound things. The used demonstration video are hosted on Tokyo2point0 website.

All services are run in Korean so far. Andy said that it is possible some of them will make Japanese localization in future.
Probably because of the internet lag, and the style of presentations by videos, there could not be active discussions between remote Korea and the conference room. But it was a good trial. I hope we will see another improved session with somewhere oversea.


  1. Thanks for attending and the quick report Akky. Note the videos of the sessions are at .
    Glad you liked the live session. I was a bit nervous trying 100% live the first time so we went withthe very well made ore-recorded videos. Thanks for linking them. Skype video chat worked very well. I’m surprisedvwe didn’t have more questions and discussion, but maybe a smaller and more focused group would encourage this.
    Next event is Sept. 1. Speaker to be confirmed. Details will be posted to

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