Daum Mobage – DeNA’s Social Game Platform To Be Provided In Korea

DeNA announced today that DeNA’s Korean subsidiary DeNA Seoul and Popular Korean Internet portal Daum [Kr] agreed to provide Korean version of its social game platform Mobage to 38 million Daum users. The release date will be targeted in 2011 4Q for smartphone users. In Japan, DeNA has been cooperating with the nation’s largest portal… Continue reading Daum Mobage – DeNA’s Social Game Platform To Be Provided In Korea

NAVER, Korean based new communication search services landed on Japan, again

Yes, they come again. This time with solid determination and good amount of resources in Tokyo. NAVER, number one Web search service in Korea has started open beta service for Japanese market.It is their second entry for Japanese market since their first attempt which was ended 2005 due to focus on domestic market, or simply… Continue reading NAVER, Korean based new communication search services landed on Japan, again

Daum Starts Advanced Map Services in Korea

Daum, the largest portal site in Korea started new map features (ROAD VIEW and SKY VIEW) on January 18th. Daum has been providing map service in Korea. But they were not so competitive in the map service market. By providing this map features, I think Daum’s map has quite competitive in Korean map service market.… Continue reading Daum Starts Advanced Map Services in Korea

Register for Open Web Asia ’08!

Open Web Asia ’08 is just two week ahead. Don’t forget to register and attend! Now, our registration form is much improved. If you had any problem to register before, please try again with our new form by Amiando. Open Web Asia is a rare occassion for Asian Web industry people to gather in one… Continue reading Register for Open Web Asia ’08!

Tokyo2point0 event: Google Cloud and Korean Internet Ventures

This month’s Tokyo2point0 was held at Nishiazabu Super Deluxe with two sessions. Google: Programming the Cloud After (very) short talk on marketing pitch of Google Cloud usage, Gregor Hohpe from Google Inc. talked on technical/architectual advantages of Google engineering system and external services. It is explained that the characteristics of Google’s services are formed by… Continue reading Tokyo2point0 event: Google Cloud and Korean Internet Ventures

Hangame: Japan’s No. 1 online gaming site

Japan is known as the world’s No. 1 producer of high quality video games. After all, companies such as Nintendo, Sony (Playstation) or Sega are rooted in this country. In the light of this, it seems strange that the leading online game service in Japan comes from Korea: Hangame (only accessible with IE). At certain… Continue reading Hangame: Japan’s No. 1 online gaming site