Video Authoring on cell phone launched

If people writes novel (ketai shosetsu) and graduation thesis (*1) on cell phone, some people must be really patient with small display and small keypad. This is another new service which was not supposed to do on cell phone, editing movie.
Softbank Creative, DeNA and Ubiquitous Entertainment launched a new service on DeNA’s huge cellular phone social network Mobage Town, named Dekodooga (Decorated Movie).

Like Decomail (Decorated Mail) makes you decorate HTML mail with texts and images, this service provides video authoring on cellular phone. Mobage Town users can cut and mix their uploading movies, photos and music. Subtext can be added, too. The edited video are posted on your diary page.

(*1) news on tabloid paper, not really confirmed

See Also:

DeNA Press Release [J]

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