Web2.0 Expo Tokyo 2008 turned down by Tim O’Reilly’s absense

Web2.0 Expo Tokyo 2008, planned on Dec. 3rd and 4th, cancellation is announced by its organizer CMP Technology Japan. On the conference top page [J], now it is explained that the event was cancelled because they would not be able to hold the conference as announced initially. In their Japanese press release, it is described… Continue reading Web2.0 Expo Tokyo 2008 turned down by Tim O’Reilly’s absense

Web2.0 is dead in Japan

It sounds like a joke, but the Japanese company “Web2.0, Inc.” turns out to be in deadpool in coming September 2008. Web2.0 Inc. was established by Digital Garage, the nation leading event-ticket seller company Pia and the No.1 online price comparison service Kakaku.com on November 15th 2005 and offers Social Bookmark service PingKing. With the… Continue reading Web2.0 is dead in Japan