Yes, they come again. This time with solid determination and good amount of resources in Tokyo. NAVER, number one Web search service in Korea has started open beta service for Japanese market.It is their second entry for Japanese market since their first attempt which was ended 2005 due to focus on domestic market, or simply… Continue reading NAVER, Korean based new communication search services landed on Japan, again
Year: 2009
If iPhone Were No.1 in Japan, Sony Would Be No.1 Music Player
Fortune reported an interesting survey on iPhone sales in Japan. Mashable, CrunchGear and some other blogs have also reported the news. From Japan, I am trying to provide some more detail for people who want to better understand this news. Is the ranking legitimate? Yes. The shops which give their POS (point of sale) data… Continue reading If iPhone Were No.1 in Japan, Sony Would Be No.1 Music Player
Mail Order Giant To Release Wardrobe iPhone App
Osaka-based catalog mail order giant Senshukai[J] is going to introduce an iPhone/iPod app allowing you to check up showcases filled with fashionable clothes. It is now under Apple’s consideration for upcoming release and will be available at AppStore next week. Senshukai has an experimental website, which is called Bellmaison Lab[J], developing and demonstrating new services… Continue reading Mail Order Giant To Release Wardrobe iPhone App
Election And Internet In Japan
Agile Media Network held a conference “Internet Changes Election?” [JP] on April 24th. Statesmen and NPOs discussed about the use of Internet for election in Japan. Shin Itoh of Japan Initiative [JP] gave a 30-minutes talk on Japanese Election Law. He said that the law is unreasonably strict. Electoral campaign is only allowed during official… Continue reading Election And Internet In Japan
Twitter & Politics: Can Tweets Change Our Society?
On Tuesday in Roppongi, Tokyo, Glocom (Global Communication Center, International Univ. of Japan) held a workshop focusing on how we can take advantage of Twitter for improving our politics. Invited panelists are: Fumi Yamazaki(@Fumi), freelance researcher and former project manager for Joi Lab, Digital Garage. Daisuke Tsuda(@tsuda), freelance IT journalist and recently reporting on Twitter… Continue reading Twitter & Politics: Can Tweets Change Our Society?
Twitter People Meets 200 Users in Japan
On Tuesday, June 30th, two people from Twitter USA had an user meeting [J] with 200 Japanese users at Omotesando. signboard “t” and “tsu” (the first letter of “twitter” in Japanese) hat receptionists welcomed Japanese twitter fans. Newly recruited Japan Country Manager Yukari Matsuzawa (@yukarim) and Head of Mobile Kevin Thau (@kevinthau) came down from… Continue reading Twitter People Meets 200 Users in Japan
Luxury $10,000 USB Memory MNEMOSYNE
Solid Alliance announced its new concept USB memory with 1 million yen price tag, which is about $10,000 US dollars. The 16GB Aluminium Mirror Finish USB memory is designed by Milan-based Italian Desig Studio Toshi Satoji Design, professionally hand-crafted by two Japanese manufacturers, can be made to order. You need to disassemble 6 parts to… Continue reading Luxury $10,000 USB Memory MNEMOSYNE
Google Ad Shows SEO-Spammer Consultant
When your mail have phrases around website marketing or search engine optmization, Japanese gmail users recently see interesting SEO consultant advertisement, which offers you an inexpensive link-building service, by 20,000 yen (US$200) per one satellite-site. (click to enlarge) The ad says “Site for inbound links by 20,000 yen” – “We create mass sites for inbound… Continue reading Google Ad Shows SEO-Spammer Consultant
Now, Long Phone Conversation Makes You Fly For Free
EC-Navi[J], a Shibuya-based tech venture running several web services such as price comparison site for e-commerce users, tied up with Japan’s second largest mobile company KDDI, and plans to launch a nationwide cellphone service as an MVNO (mobile virtual network operator). The service will start on August 3rd, and it targets females in their 20s… Continue reading Now, Long Phone Conversation Makes You Fly For Free
R25 Mobile Ceases Because Advertisers Avoids Mobile
Recruit (on Asiajin) announced their R25’s mobile site shutdown on July 30th. (Mobile version of R25 has not been closed yet but may give you an error page. It seems to limit visitors by browser user agent and/or IP address, which is common to Japanese mobile sites. The PC site is here [J].) Their PR… Continue reading R25 Mobile Ceases Because Advertisers Avoids Mobile