Google Ad Shows SEO-Spammer Consultant

When your mail have phrases around website marketing or search engine optmization, Japanese gmail users recently see interesting SEO consultant advertisement, which offers you an inexpensive link-building service, by 20,000 yen (US$200) per one satellite-site.

(click to enlarge)

The ad says “Site for inbound links by 20,000 yen” – “We create mass sites for inbound links by Movable Type. 20,000 yen per site.”.
The advertiser’s site does not have an postal address nor phone number, which Google usually requires advertisers to show.
Screening this kind of advertisers is not an easy task, as they try to pretend they are not what they are. But I personally feel that lots of lousy ads are displayed on Google Ads on Japanese pages/apps in compare with English ones on English pages.
In Japan’s case, Google ad network is the No.2 behind Yahoo! Japan’s, same as their search share, and recent economic crisis may be making big companies, conservative advertisers, think to cut No.2 network, if they ought to crunch budget. Google may lead reduced reproduction with crummy advertisers if they keep being generous to this kind of ads.

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