SEO Of Love – Japanese Song and Game On SEO

“Koi no SEO”(SEO of Love) is a Japanese song by Kyoto-based SEO company Web Rider Inc.. Of course, this SEO means “Search Engine Optimization”. “Today I got my page ranked up, farewell to scroll-down”, “Now I noticed that tangled links. The important thing is to optimize our hearts.”, “Rhythm of Love is Algorithm” They also… Continue reading SEO Of Love – Japanese Song and Game On SEO

Google Ad Shows SEO-Spammer Consultant

When your mail have phrases around website marketing or search engine optmization, Japanese gmail users recently see interesting SEO consultant advertisement, which offers you an inexpensive link-building service, by 20,000 yen (US$200) per one satellite-site. (click to enlarge) The ad says “Site for inbound links by 20,000 yen” – “We create mass sites for inbound… Continue reading Google Ad Shows SEO-Spammer Consultant

NTT Com Buys Digital Forest For $24M

NTT Communications annouced yesterday to acquire 100% shares of Digital Forest for 2.46 billion yen ($24M). Digital Forest is a company which focuses on Web marketing technology and solutions. They sell an access log analysis tool Visionalist for high-end customers, and also provide web / search engine consulting and solutions service too. NTT Communications is… Continue reading NTT Com Buys Digital Forest For $24M