Japanese-Style Search-By-Blabla Ads Fail Sometime

This is a follow-up post for my monthly column on The Japan Times, Why do Japanese advertisers suggest Internet-search keywords?. There I explained why many of paper/TV ads in Japan are asking people to search by keywords, instead of typing URLs. Soon after the column was published, I got a question from a reader if… Continue reading Japanese-Style Search-By-Blabla Ads Fail Sometime

Google Japan’s In-Train Ads Asks Cellphone Users To Search By “Google”

In Tokyo Metro train, I noticed small ads by Google Japan. The ads are for Google Mobile Search promotion. This one suggests to search Google by “Shibuya Movie” when you want to know if the film “Taken” can be watched from now in your location (Shibuya). So Google Japan wants more cellphone users to use… Continue reading Google Japan’s In-Train Ads Asks Cellphone Users To Search By “Google”

Google Ad Shows SEO-Spammer Consultant

When your mail have phrases around website marketing or search engine optmization, Japanese gmail users recently see interesting SEO consultant advertisement, which offers you an inexpensive link-building service, by 20,000 yen (US$200) per one satellite-site. (click to enlarge) The ad says “Site for inbound links by 20,000 yen” – “We create mass sites for inbound… Continue reading Google Ad Shows SEO-Spammer Consultant