CNBC Pranked By Japanese Photoshopper

Bloomberg reported that Japanese Ministry of Finance posted a silly ad to solicit young Japanese guys to buy government bonds on popular free magazine R25, which is a true story. To Japanese’ credit, many people here were amazed by silliness of the ad project, and got angry against who spent tax for this. The magazine… Continue reading CNBC Pranked By Japanese Photoshopper

R25 Mobile Ceases Because Advertisers Avoids Mobile

Recruit (on Asiajin) announced their R25’s mobile site shutdown on July 30th. (Mobile version of R25 has not been closed yet but may give you an error page. It seems to limit visitors by browser user agent and/or IP address, which is common to Japanese mobile sites. The PC site is here [J].) Their PR… Continue reading R25 Mobile Ceases Because Advertisers Avoids Mobile