Hyper Gadgets Loaded Taxi In Kyoto

A guy from a game/smartphone shop Vis-a-Vis [J] posted an interesting photo when he took a taxi in Kyoto. Makaizou(evil tuned, often used to praise something so maniac) Taxi. It has 20 inch display, four high definition camcorders, three car navigators, Docomo’s WiFi router. For security, all recorded movies are being transferred to his home… Continue reading Hyper Gadgets Loaded Taxi In Kyoto

Paperboy & co. goes public

18th November 2008, Japanese web hosting company Paperboy (J) (JASDAQ:3633) announced that the company will be listed to JASDAQ stock market on December 19th. Paperboy runs services like Lolipop (J), Heteml (J), and Jugem (J). Kazuma Ieiri started the business in October 2001 in Fukuoka. Paperboy is providing hosting services for consumers with very low… Continue reading Paperboy & co. goes public

Web umbrella Pileus

Even hardcore geeks might have never dreamt of something like this: An umbrella which is connected to the Internet! This gadget was developed by researchers at Tokyo-based Keio University. The “Pileus” umbrella looks ordinary from the outside but actually is a quite clever piece of hardware. The umbrella is able to display web sites on… Continue reading Web umbrella Pileus