Photozou: Zynga Japan Sells Photo Sharing Site To Digital Garage

Back in 2010, when Zynga acquired Tokyo-based Unoh (and turned the company into its Japan HQ), the main targets of the Americans were game-related assets and the team. But Zynga also acquired a pretty successful photo sharing service that was developed by Unoh: Photozou,which went live in 2005 and can probably be best described as… Continue reading Photozou: Zynga Japan Sells Photo Sharing Site To Digital Garage

Flickr mashup on Google App Engine from Japan

Here comes a new idea directly from Japan to make life on the web a little easier. Llamerada, a Japanese web engineer, coded a Flickr mashup on AJAX interface. He announced the release today on his blog. So what is this about? The basic idea is to make search on Flickr more comfortable. Llamerada wanted… Continue reading Flickr mashup on Google App Engine from Japan

Web umbrella Pileus

Even hardcore geeks might have never dreamt of something like this: An umbrella which is connected to the Internet! This gadget was developed by researchers at Tokyo-based Keio University. The “Pileus” umbrella looks ordinary from the outside but actually is a quite clever piece of hardware. The umbrella is able to display web sites on… Continue reading Web umbrella Pileus