TEPCO Shows Electricity Demand And Usage Chart

Tokyo Electric Power Company(TEPCO), which is in charge of Fukushima nuclear crisis and Kanto/Tokyo rolling blackout, opened a new page to tell how much electricity are used hourly in total. After the scheduled power down began, there were many complains from people who got inconvenience by blackout and transportation confuse caused by blackout. It was… Continue reading TEPCO Shows Electricity Demand And Usage Chart

NicoNico Douga-like Twitter Widget NiTwPress

NiTwPress, NicoNico Douga flavoured Twitter client widget for WordPress, is made and released by (self-claimed) 17 years old girl sakuratan (Sakura Yamamoto) [J]. Different from twitter’s official blog widget, this widget display your tweets in flowing overlay texts, like Japanese favourite online video site NicoNico Douga. There are many mashup services/tools which take this style… Continue reading NicoNico Douga-like Twitter Widget NiTwPress

Japanese Social Media Prism

Based on the concept presented at www.briansolis.com, H. Yoshikawa, Y. Yamagichi, and T. Nakamura rendered the Japanese Social Media Prism. This prism is being maintained constantly, so make sure you visit the original blog post for updates. Each Flower petal represents a Service Category (written outside the petal). Better known services are placed closer to… Continue reading Japanese Social Media Prism

Flickr mashup on Google App Engine from Japan

Here comes a new idea directly from Japan to make life on the web a little easier. Llamerada, a Japanese web engineer, coded a Flickr mashup on AJAX interface. He announced the release today on his blog. So what is this about? The basic idea is to make search on Flickr more comfortable. Llamerada wanted… Continue reading Flickr mashup on Google App Engine from Japan