Register for Open Web Asia ’08!

Open Web Asia ’08 is just two week ahead. Don’t forget to register and attend! Now, our registration form is much improved. If you had any problem to register before, please try again with our new form by Amiando. Open Web Asia is a rare occassion for Asian Web industry people to gather in one… Continue reading Register for Open Web Asia ’08!

Open Web Asia ’08 conference announced

Open Web Asia ’08 conference has been announced to be held on 14th October 2008 in Seoul, Korea. 後ろに日本語の案内があります。 — “The first pan-Asia web technology event bringing together executives, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists from throughout Asia” October 14 2008, Sheraton Grande Walkerhill, Seoul, Korea in association with the 9th World Knowledge Forum Open Web Asia… Continue reading Open Web Asia ’08 conference announced

RubyKaigi will be held this week

The Japan’s biggest conference on Ruby, RubyKaigi 2008, is going to be held on 20th(fri)-22nd(sun) June. Tickets for main sessions are already sold out. However you can attend to sub-sessions, poster sessions without ticket. I will give a talk as a part of sub-session on 21st (in Japanese).


Gang Lu, a director of Netvibes Asia, launched a blog aggregation site called OpenWeb.Asia. And we are a proud member of the network. “The OpenWeb.Asia Workgroup is a network of premium blogs focus on Asian Web industry.” OpenWeb.Asia provides an OPML file which can be easily imported to feed readers to subscribe the feeds of… Continue reading OpenWeb.Asia