Register for Open Web Asia ’08!

Open Web Asia ’08 is just two week ahead. Don’t forget to register and attend! Now, our registration form is much improved. If you had any problem to register before, please try again with our new form by Amiando. Open Web Asia is a rare occassion for Asian Web industry people to gather in one… Continue reading Register for Open Web Asia ’08!

Two Japanese startups launch at TechCrunch50

OpenTrace is a service that “Traces items through the supply chain and adds them together to show the impact of products on the environment” (from TechCrunch). OpenTrace is run by Rinen Inc, which is owned by Hirofumi Manganji and Hiroaki Shimachi. Rinen has received a Japanese government grant called Exploratory Software Project which is given… Continue reading Two Japanese startups launch at TechCrunch50