Apple Lowering iPhone App Store Prices For Yen: 115 becomes 85

Japanese Yen has been staying high against US dollars, especially last year. Apple finally thinks its 115 yen(US$1.45) is too much for $0.99 apps. @kokubucamera reported [J] that all 115 yen iOS apps are now sold at 85 yen, which is $1.08 on today’s rate, about 26% discount this morning. 230 yen app is now… Continue reading Apple Lowering iPhone App Store Prices For Yen: 115 becomes 85

Docomo To Unveil Feature Phone-Only App Store On Monday

Japan’s biggest business daily The Nikkei is reporting that the country’s leading mobile carrier, NTT Docomo, is to unveil a a new app store of sorts on Monday, December 6. The portal will offer 1,200 apps from the get-go, in addition to 1 million music titles and a total of 30,000 e-books – exclusively for… Continue reading Docomo To Unveil Feature Phone-Only App Store On Monday