iPhone 4S To Be Sold From 8 a.m. October 14, Apple Japanese Site Says

About an hour prior to Apple’s “Let’s Talk iPhone” event, Apple Store Ginza (Tokyo, Japan) page [J] is showing that the new iPhone 4S will be on sale from 8 a.m. October 14.
The text is here with my translation,

iPhone 4S、登場。
10月14日、午前8時より、Apple Storeで発売。あなたにぴったりの通信事業者と料金プランを選ぶお手伝いをします。iPhoneの設定もスタッフが行うので、ストアを出る前から使い始める準備が完了します。さらに詳しく
iPhone 4S has come.
It’s on sale from 8 a.m. October 14 at Apple Store. We will assist you to choose carrier and plan fit the best for you. Since our staff will set it up, your iPhone will be ready even walking out the store. See more,

Some Japanese says the text “to choose carrier” means that now Japanese consumer can choose KDDI au on top of long time exclusive seller Softbank Mobile. Maybe so, but it is also possible that the whole text was straight translation from English site.
Here is the full page screenshot,

On the right side, iPod nano with “the new user interface, improved fitness function, new clock face and multi-touch” is also announced. The price is from 10,800 yen (US$140)
The same texts are on all local Apple Store pages as well on Shinsaibashi(Osaka), Nagoya-Sakae, etc. but not on Shibuya store.
[Update 2] It seems that all local store pages had mistakenly been switched with the one with the new iPhone 4S, turned back to the old page one by one. Anyway Tim Cook start talking now.
via Netafull [J]

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