Firefox3 Release press conference

Firefox 3 release press conference was held at Takanawa Prince Hotel, Tokyo Japan. Satoko TAKITA, chairman of Mozilla Japan gave the first announce of Firefox3 release in the morning at 2:00 a.m. 18th June (in Japan Standard Time), with looking back how they have been updating Mozilla products for years. Mozilla Japan’s two missions Firefox… Continue reading Firefox3 Release press conference

Lunascape opens subsidiary in Silicon Valley

Following Fenrir’s announcement of internationalizing their Sleipnir browser just a few days ago, now Japan-based Lunascape announced today they opened an office in the USA to promote their web browser of the same name more efficiently overseas. Lunascape, Inc. with a capital stock of 300,000 USD will be located in Silicon Valley. Founder and CEO… Continue reading Lunascape opens subsidiary in Silicon Valley

RubyKaigi will be held this week

The Japan’s biggest conference on Ruby, RubyKaigi 2008, is going to be held on 20th(fri)-22nd(sun) June. Tickets for main sessions are already sold out. However you can attend to sub-sessions, poster sessions without ticket. I will give a talk as a part of sub-session on 21st (in Japanese).

The Happy Web Weekend

On Sunday, 15th June, The Happy Web Weekend, the event around microformats/Web Standards event was held in Ochanomizu, Tokyo, with John Allsopp, microformats authority and microformats book author from Australia. Semantic Microblogging / Masahide KANZAKI Masahide KANZAKI, who is well-known by his web standards and RDF infomation website The Web KANZAKI, which has been providing… Continue reading The Happy Web Weekend

Cruise & Atlas, a very futuristic working chair with a desk

Ofcourse, you know about Aaron chair of Harman Miller. However, you probably haven’t heard about Cruise & Atlas from Okamura, a Japanese office furniture maker. Cruise & Atlas is a set of chair and desk, which is consisting a mutually dependant pair. It has a really futuristic appearance. It looks like a chair from a… Continue reading Cruise & Atlas, a very futuristic working chair with a desk

Japan’s biggest CosPlay site “Cure” overhauled with English

livedoor announced its popular Cos-Play (Costume Play, dressing up in fictional characters most of which are from Anime/Manga) site’s renewal and English localization today, June 12th 2008. The site “Cure” was opened in 2001, has been getting 300,000 registered users including 60,000 “Cos-Player”, and now 50 million page views in a month, which is the… Continue reading Japan’s biggest CosPlay site “Cure” overhauled with English

New English version of Made-in-Japan browser Sleipnir released

Osaka-based web software company Fenrir announced on their homepage that they officially released the English version 2.7.2 of their Internet browser Sleipnir. Sleipnir is particularly popular in Japan and according to the press release is localized for users in the USA, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, India, Ireland, South Africa and the… Continue reading New English version of Made-in-Japan browser Sleipnir released

Tokyo2point0 Event: Cloud Computing the Amazon Way

This month’s Tokyo2point0 event drew a huge crowd on Monday this week. Two main factors attracted over 100 people to come to the new venue in Azabu (an event space called SuperDeluxe): a very interesting speaker who came from the USA and the event’s 1st anniversary! Cloud Computing the Amazon way Jinesh Varia, evangelist for… Continue reading Tokyo2point0 Event: Cloud Computing the Amazon Way


Gang Lu, a director of Netvibes Asia, launched a blog aggregation site called OpenWeb.Asia. And we are a proud member of the network. “The OpenWeb.Asia Workgroup is a network of premium blogs focus on Asian Web industry.” OpenWeb.Asia provides an OPML file which can be easily imported to feed readers to subscribe the feeds of… Continue reading OpenWeb.Asia

jsmap – US States selection library

New Javascript library jsmap is released on , which enables a new way of choosing regions from diagram map. Its Japan version seems welcomed favorably by Japanese web developers, as the Japan’s prefecture selection is always an usability headache. There are Japanese websites provides region selection by drilling down by links, usually implemented on… Continue reading jsmap – US States selection library