CiFTR – a work shift management software

CiFTR (JP) (pronounced as shifter) is a software to manage a complicated work shift of part time employees. In Japanese restaurant industry, most waiting staffs are part-time workers with a complicated work shift. So, work shift management could be a real headache for managers. CiFTR enables part-time workers to request their desired work shift by… Continue reading CiFTR – a work shift management software

Tokyo2point0 Event: Cloud Computing the Amazon Way

This month’s Tokyo2point0 event drew a huge crowd on Monday this week. Two main factors attracted over 100 people to come to the new venue in Azabu (an event space called SuperDeluxe): a very interesting speaker who came from the USA and the event’s 1st anniversary! Cloud Computing the Amazon way Jinesh Varia, evangelist for… Continue reading Tokyo2point0 Event: Cloud Computing the Amazon Way