The Happy Web Weekend

On Sunday, 15th June, The Happy Web Weekend, the event around microformats/Web Standards event was held in Ochanomizu, Tokyo, with John Allsopp, microformats authority and microformats book author from Australia.

Semantic Microblogging / Masahide KANZAKI

Masahide KANZAKI, who is well-known by his web standards and RDF infomation website The Web KANZAKI, which has been providing useful web tech info from the early web era, gave a presentation around 1. semantic web on microblogging and 2. geolocation and geohash applications.

Lunch break + Panel discussions

Networking lunch time followed by panel discussions with today’s two speakers, John Allsopp and Michael Smith. Satoshi KIKUCHI, the main organizer of the event from Actlink, brought up two hot topics,

Is microformats good for SEO?

The answers by both are the same “yes, but for pursuading your boss.”. SEO is not the essential purpose of microformats, though search engines are favor pages using web standards.

How iPhone changes mobile web?

Both encouraged you to invest/develop web applications for iPhone, instead of using native applications on SDK, to make your applications universal over other mobile devices like Nokia, Google Android.

Basic Microformats / John Allsopp

The main guest John Allsopp explained basic microformats, which adds information on regular HTML without breaking original code, also gives more machine-readable info to other net services like search engine, aggregation service, etc.
He showed several microformats, XFN, hCard, hCalendar, hReview, etc. with sample format, real usage on major websites and helper tools like browser add-on by which you can get those microformats information in visualized.

HTML5 Overview / Michael Smith

Michael Smith from W3C, who works based at Keio Univ., one of three W3C host organizations, spoke on HTML5 status.
He also talked about major browsers’ mobile version status updates, latest/beta web browsers’ cool features should be watched.

Where’s your web at? / John Allsopp

John Allsopp again talked this time on wider variety of web devices and how to deal with them.

When we have more different web devices to access the web, like from cellularphone, game console, car navigation and home appliances, developer/designer need to think about what usability are for them.

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