Report: JUI (Javascript User Interface) 2008 conference in Tokyo

On Monday, the first JUI (Javascript User Interface) conference was held at RECRUIT‘s gigantic headquarters in Ginza, Tokyo. Although there was hardly any time to promote the quickly scheduled event, more than 100 hackers showed up at the venue! The organizers managed to squeeze a total of 10 speeches into the 3 hour event. The… Continue reading Report: JUI (Javascript User Interface) 2008 conference in Tokyo

Tokyo2point0 event: Cybozu Labs and Phishing / Web 2.0 security

This month’s Tokyo2point0 event again took place in Harajuku and again it featured two great presentations. This time both speakers were Japanese! Behind the doors of Cybozu Labs Asiajin’s very own Akky Akimoto delivered the first presentation. Please note he doesn’t want pictures of himself published. Personal background Akky is one of Japan’s most famous… Continue reading Tokyo2point0 event: Cybozu Labs and Phishing / Web 2.0 security

YAPC::Asia 2008 report: day 1

Today, YAPC::Asia 2008, one of the biggest Perl conference, had been held at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. Serkan, Akky, and I attended the conference. This time, YAPC has three parallel sessions during two days, and number of registered attendees reached 500. With a help of abundant sponsorship from Perl user companies such as Recruit,… Continue reading YAPC::Asia 2008 report: day 1

Report: Mobile Monday event – Google Japan’s take on the mobile web and mobile community Mikle

This month’s Mobile Monday Tokyo event was held at Google Japan‘s HQ in Shibuya (entrance fee: 2000 Yen/19 USD/12 Euro). As always, the venue was totally packed. The event is organized by Mobikyo. It was not allowed to take pictures. Two presentations were given, followed by a networking session. Solving big problems on small devices… Continue reading Report: Mobile Monday event – Google Japan’s take on the mobile web and mobile community Mikle

Report: Asiajin Meeting #1 (part two)

This is the second part of our coverage of the Asiajin meeting #1 which took part this Tuesday. Presentation No. 4 “The 4th presenter abused the meeting by violating its regulation of not speaking in one’s mother tongue against agreement. Thus we do not cover the presentation. You may find the information somewhere else. (Akky… Continue reading Report: Asiajin Meeting #1 (part two)

Report: Asiajin Meeting #1 (part one)

The Asiajin Meeting #1 took place this Tuesday in Akasaka/Tokyo. Courtesy of Cybozu Labs, the event was free of charge. About 30 people participated while the number of people viewing the live broadcasting (done by Andrew Shuttleworth) peaked at 25. We will see to it that we announce the livecast earlier next time, especially for… Continue reading Report: Asiajin Meeting #1 (part one)

Report: Mobile Monday Tokyo – Mobile Browsing

On Monday, a Mobile Monday Tokyo event themed “Mobile Browser UI Designs & Standards” took place in KDDI’s Designing Studio in Harajuku. The entrance fee was between 1,000 and 2,000 Yen and an impressive 150 people showed up. While the venue itself was really cool, I am not sure if letting guests sit on stairs… Continue reading Report: Mobile Monday Tokyo – Mobile Browsing

Report: Cross-cultural IT and web engineer party in Tokyo

On Friday, the first cross-cultural party for IT and web engineers was held in Pasona Tech’s office in Shibuya. Pasona Tech’s parent company, Pasona Group is a large staffing and recruitment company with over 3,000 employees. They are also present in the USA. The event was well attended with approximately 50 people showing up (Japanese… Continue reading Report: Cross-cultural IT and web engineer party in Tokyo

Bounen Kaigi 2007 report (2)

The first part of Bounen Kaigi report is here Hosts’ topics Co-hosts talked which net services they are interested in recently, their own project plans for 2008. Sponsor corner From all attendee’s votes for “The Kanji letter of 2007”, Yahoo! Japan guys chose a letter “Warai”(langh, smile). The 4 voters for “Warai” played “Janken” (Rock,… Continue reading Bounen Kaigi 2007 report (2)

Bounen Kaigi 2007 report (1)

The 5th annual year-end conference “Bounen Kaigi 2007” was held at Yahoo! Japan meeting room, Tokyo Midtown, Roppongi, Tokyo. This year’s sponser is Yahoo! Japan. Bounen Kaigi, which name is an original word made from “Bounenkai”(year-forgetting party in Japanese) and “Kaigi”(meeting, conference) started in December 2003, by Gen Taguchi, the owner of the most influent… Continue reading Bounen Kaigi 2007 report (1)