Cybozu Aims At Business-oriented Social Network, And Something Different From Facebook

Cybozu Inc., a Tokyo-based package vendor having developed a web-based groupware intended to Japanese SMEs for more than a decade, introduced their brand new SaaS edition of the groupware last November, which is called Cybozu Live[J]. This week, Mr. Yoshihisa Aono, the CEO of Cybozu Inc., unveiled the plan on how the service goes from… Continue reading Cybozu Aims At Business-oriented Social Network, And Something Different From Facebook

Osaka-based Consultancy Forms A Network Giving Entrepreneurs Many Cost-Savings & Various Supports

Tokyo-, Osaka- and Shanghai-based business consultancy providing support for start-up companies, Akinai Research Institute[J] just introduced a new program encouraging entrepreneurs in terms of financial, personnel and material resources in association with nine program supporting partners. Entrepreneurs joining the program can get benefits by receiving complimentary services and packages as follows. Microsoft BizSpark: offering free… Continue reading Osaka-based Consultancy Forms A Network Giving Entrepreneurs Many Cost-Savings & Various Supports

Lunarr Closes Company With Its Two Unique Web Services

An unique web startup founded and run by a successful Japanese entrepreneur in Portland, Oregon, declared its end of services this month. Notice LUNARR will be discontinuing our Elements and Themes services as of Sunday, May 10th, 2009. You may continue to use both services until that date, at which time your LUNARR Terms of… Continue reading Lunarr Closes Company With Its Two Unique Web Services

Tokyo2point0 event: Cybozu Labs and Phishing / Web 2.0 security

This month’s Tokyo2point0 event again took place in Harajuku and again it featured two great presentations. This time both speakers were Japanese! Behind the doors of Cybozu Labs Asiajin’s very own Akky Akimoto delivered the first presentation. Please note he doesn’t want pictures of himself published. Personal background Akky is one of Japan’s most famous… Continue reading Tokyo2point0 event: Cybozu Labs and Phishing / Web 2.0 security