2ch.net ownership moved to Singapore company

Hiroyuki Nishibuya, founder of Japan’s biggest anonymous BBS 2ch.net (Ni-Channel), revealed that he had transferred the ownership of 2ch.net to oversea on his blog. The FAQ on 2ch.net was modified, too. Q Who owns 2ch? A 2ch.net is managed and operated by PACKET MONSTER INC. 2ch.net has been at the heart of libel lawsuits in… Continue reading 2ch.net ownership moved to Singapore company

Mixi Nengajou sends Real New Year Cards to your Social Network Friends

Mixi launched Mixi Nengajou (Nengajou = new year greeting card), on which user can send a real(=paper) greeting card to your MaiMiku(My Mixi = online friend) WITHOUT knowing their real address. You may choose 400+ designs from 98 yen (48 yen with sponsors’ ads, more expensive designed cards are also available). Mixi works with the… Continue reading Mixi Nengajou sends Real New Year Cards to your Social Network Friends

Teenager Prefer Cellphone Keypad to PC Keyboard

For many Japanese adolescents, cellphone is inseparable partner of their lives, you might have heard. Different from PC, kids can have their own (not-shared with your family/siblings, not filtered by home-broadband), can bring it with you to school, outside, anywhere (it is important when your writing back within 5 minutes to your friend’s mail is… Continue reading Teenager Prefer Cellphone Keypad to PC Keyboard

When Japanese say Yes, it means No

Well, I am joking. “Yes” means “Yes” here, too, most of the time. However, if you dive deeper into the Japanese web, you may get totally lost in the conversations because of new expressions that continue to emerge. One phrase which has become very popular since early 2008, is this: “(subject) desune, wakarimasu.” (~ですね、わかります) which… Continue reading When Japanese say Yes, it means No

Asiajin’s 1st Anniversary

Our official launch date, when Arai and I announced Asiajin’s existence to the world, was December 12th, 2007. Yes, we have reached our first anniversary! Since the launch, we have welcomed many contributors – writers, proofreaders, advisors, commenters and of course, our great readers. I must give special thanks to Arai, and to Serkan Toto,… Continue reading Asiajin’s 1st Anniversary

Breaking News: Gree goes IPO

Gree Inc. Japanese Social Network Service (SNS) company which has been chasing Mixi in PC web, and Mobage-Town/DeNA in mobile web, seems to be listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers (Tosho Mothers) around December 17th. No mentioned on Gree’s company site yet. Both Gree and Mixi launched in February 2004, seeing orkut’s success which… Continue reading Breaking News: Gree goes IPO

Free Twitter Background Images from Japan

You may know that Japan is one of the most active country on twitter by numbers of tweets. 37 Japanese illustrators who use twitter gathered in a project TDC(Twitter Drawers Collection), where they make twitter background images under the single theme, yes, “twitter”. It is explained that you may freely use those images ONLY FOR… Continue reading Free Twitter Background Images from Japan

Yahoo! Japan starts LinkedIn like business SNS

Japan’s web giant Yahoo! Japan’s new challenge is a social business networking service, the name is CU. CU is a membership service based on invitation. The top page explains themselves as “CU (pronounce “see you”, no matched Japanese words so it is a neutral name for Japanese users) is a business networking service which supports… Continue reading Yahoo! Japan starts LinkedIn like business SNS

livedoor started “Geocities 2.0”

Japanese portal site livedoor announced today that they started a new free hosting service EDGE co. Lab. Developers/entrepreneurs can get hosted servers from livedoor and run their web service without charge. The conditions are; “Powered by EDGE” must be shown somewhere on the page livedoor OpenID and (if possible) livedoor Auth API need to be… Continue reading livedoor started “Geocities 2.0”