Breaking News: Gree goes IPO

Gree Inc. Japanese Social Network Service (SNS) company which has been chasing Mixi in PC web, and Mobage-Town/DeNA in mobile web, seems to be listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers (Tosho Mothers) around December 17th. No mentioned on Gree’s company site yet.
Both Gree and Mixi launched in February 2004, seeing orkut’s success which just began the month before, January 2004. At the early stage Gree got more attentions mainly from IT industry workers and university students, but soon find themselves supplanted by Mixi which targeted female and non-technical users. Recently Gree put more power into cellphone SNS with casual Flash games and rumoured IPO for year.
The number of registered users on October 20th 2008 is over 7 million [J]. Mixi’s one is over 15 million at the point of July 14th 2008. [J]
[Update] Arai’s more detailed research has come

See Also:

Tokyo Stock Exchange / Gree [J]

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