Asiajin Spanish, Japanese And 4 Year Anniversary

We are celebrating 4 year anniversary today! We launched Asiajin officially on December 12, 2007, 4 years ago. Here I announce two new Asiajin blogs, Spanish version and Japanese version. The new Spanish version, Asiajin en Español is supported by Tokyo-based ShakingAsia, whose business is bringing oversea services into Japan and Asia. If you are… Continue reading Asiajin Spanish, Japanese And 4 Year Anniversary

Asiajin’s 1st Anniversary

Our official launch date, when Arai and I announced Asiajin’s existence to the world, was December 12th, 2007. Yes, we have reached our first anniversary! Since the launch, we have welcomed many contributors – writers, proofreaders, advisors, commenters and of course, our great readers. I must give special thanks to Arai, and to Serkan Toto,… Continue reading Asiajin’s 1st Anniversary