Social Game Vendor Klab Goes IPO On TSE Mothers

KLab [J], a social game vendor announced [J] that they will be listed on Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers (Tosho Mothers) planned on September 27, 2011. The company was originally established as an research and development section of CyBird, one of the most successful mobile contents providers for i-mode, Docomo’s feature phone web portal. After leaving… Continue reading Social Game Vendor Klab Goes IPO On TSE Mothers

Online Train Timetable Service Ekitan Goes IPO

An online train timetable service that goes IPO? It may sound ludicrous to people living outside Japan, but Tokyo-based Ekitan is doing exactly that. The company will be listed at the Mothers Market (for high-growth and emerging stocks) of the Tokyo Stock Exchange on March 3 (code 3646). Ekitan started as a Toshiba in-house venture… Continue reading Online Train Timetable Service Ekitan Goes IPO

Medical Net Communications Goes IPO On Tokyo Stock Exchange

Japan’s tech IPO market has been drying up dramatically in recent months, but there are still some IPOs happening. Today it was announced that Tokyo-based Japan Medical Net Communications, which operates several sites for medical services in this country (full list here), is next. The company has received approval to list on the Tokyo Stock… Continue reading Medical Net Communications Goes IPO On Tokyo Stock Exchange

Recipe Sharing Site Cookpad Goes IPO

Cookpad [JP], Japan’s biggest cooking site, announced today that they will be listed to Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers section on July 17th. CEO, Akimitsu Sano, started the service on 1998. Cookpad is a recipe sharing site with 558,939 registered recipes. The site has 6.8 million unique users and 351 million page views per month. Cookpad… Continue reading Recipe Sharing Site Cookpad Goes IPO

Breaking News: Gree goes IPO

Gree Inc. Japanese Social Network Service (SNS) company which has been chasing Mixi in PC web, and Mobage-Town/DeNA in mobile web, seems to be listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers (Tosho Mothers) around December 17th. No mentioned on Gree’s company site yet. Both Gree and Mixi launched in February 2004, seeing orkut’s success which… Continue reading Breaking News: Gree goes IPO